So, a couple years ago, I scored this beautiful 1989 Auto with, reported by Britstiva, 88K miles on it. It was bought from an undisclosed location. It was last inspected in 2001. Needed a new ignition switch and coil to run. Had to clean the fuel tank and injectors. Needed a new exhaust to pass inspection. New axle boots, as the axles were OK. A lot of other little things. Ready to roll, just needed to be tagged and insured. Got it for the wife, had a lot of Betty Boop stuff ready to install, and she is named Boopstiva.
Last Wednesday night, some bad storms rolled through our area. Some idiot pulled out in front of my sons Honda, was Tboned, and totalled both cars. The kids are just fine. Later that night, sometime while we all slept, this happened
When I walked outside and saw this, I could have just cried. She was so MINT!
Trying to figure out the best course of action for the repairs now.
Last Wednesday night, some bad storms rolled through our area. Some idiot pulled out in front of my sons Honda, was Tboned, and totalled both cars. The kids are just fine. Later that night, sometime while we all slept, this happened

When I walked outside and saw this, I could have just cried. She was so MINT!
Trying to figure out the best course of action for the repairs now.