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T52 Torx

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  • T52 Torx

    This is bizarre. Advance doesn't have it. Autozone doesn't have it. SEARS doesn't have it. Lowes doesn't have it. The Snap-On website doesn't seem to list it. Amazon only shows 1 item and it's the torx plus which won't help now, because I've already taken off the parts of the points close to the center.

    It's not a T50 and it's not a T55. T50 took one bolt out and then rounded out the next one. Upon closer inspection it started to round out the first one too.

    A T55 will NOT fit in it.

    Everyone is telling me it doesn't exist, but it has to. It's the Ford/Mazda Duratec/MZR family's head bolts.

    T50 was too small and T55 wasn't good enough for them. Retards. I HATE new cars.

    Anybody know what's up?
    Last edited by sketchman; 08-04-2015, 02:47 PM.
    Any difference that makes no difference is no difference.

    Old Blue- New Tricks
    91 Festiva FSM PDF - Dropbox

  • #2
    Torx plus? It's still sized t50 and t55 but the splines are a little thicker. Page 156 in the 2015 snap on catalog.
    Last edited by shorestiva; 08-04-2015, 04:27 PM.
    Better Than Nothing Racing

    Way too many cars



    • #3
      Nope. A torx plus is what I rounded out the second head with.

      It's insane. I promise, a T50 is too loose and a T55 will not fit no way no how.

      Here's what a T50 did to the one that did come out.

      And I took the bolt to every store. A T55 will not go in at all.

      It felt perfect because of having thicker points being a plus bit, but obviously not.

      From my mountain of Googling there appears to be a GM app with this size too, but I can't for the life of me find a bit for it.

      "The man who created Torx bits has a special place in hell between Hitler and Stalin." -- and automakers as far as I'm concerned.
      Last edited by sketchman; 08-04-2015, 04:54 PM.
      Any difference that makes no difference is no difference.

      Old Blue- New Tricks
      91 Festiva FSM PDF - Dropbox


      • #4
        Can you just replace the removed bolts with some that will fit a T50 or T55?


        • #5
          What gm application? I can look gm tools up. I just looked at the board in our tool room but I don't see any (thought I remember seeing one though). What is this in? Also how close is a regular t55 (not a torx plus) to fitting? I've had some that needed a little persuasion from a hammer to get them in.
          Last edited by shorestiva; 08-04-2015, 05:26 PM.
          Better Than Nothing Racing

          Way too many cars



          • #6
            06 Mazda 6 with a 2.3. Not sure exactly what app the GM was. Just a GM truck, and a few people posting trying to figure out what in the world takes the bolts off.

            I might be able to find some normal bolts to work, but I have to get the old ones out first.

            Think I'm gonna end up needing a hefty bolt remover and some strong liquor.

            OOOh. Or I could get a T55 and grind down the points to fit. Hmm.
            Last edited by sketchman; 08-04-2015, 05:31 PM.
            Any difference that makes no difference is no difference.

            Old Blue- New Tricks
            91 Festiva FSM PDF - Dropbox


            • #7
              According to alldata there aren't any special tools for that so it's got to be a normal socket. I'm guessing a t55 will fit wit some persuasion.
              Last edited by shorestiva; 08-04-2015, 05:34 PM.
              Better Than Nothing Racing

              Way too many cars



              • #8
                It could always be worse. This is what junk I've been stuck with for last few days along with all the normal recalls and oil changes.
                Better Than Nothing Racing

                Way too many cars



                • #9
                  You're probably right. Just feels wrong to persuade those fragile points. They like to break off if you look at them wrong.

                  I'll grab a T55 and do some sanding to bring down the diameter a bit and see if that helps.

                  Thanks for the info.
                  Any difference that makes no difference is no difference.

                  Old Blue- New Tricks
                  91 Festiva FSM PDF - Dropbox


                  • #10
                    And if all else fails, like you said, stripped bolt remover could do the trick.
                    How much open surface area is there around the bolt head by the way?
                    I would definitely replace them with a standard hex head bolt afterwards
                    if at all possible.

                    There's also this:

                    Last edited by SWRT; 08-04-2015, 08:13 PM.
                    1993 Festiva - White/Black - 5 speed


                    • #11
                      Two words. Ali Express


                      • #12
                        I might end up going Ali.

                        SWRT, I can't get anything large or horizontal down to the heads. They are in wells with barely enough room to get a socket in them. The whole design is one of the stupider ones I've had to mess with.

                        Sometimes the only design train of thought I can see for these things is an SNL skit.

                        Whose brain did this make sense in? lol
                        Any difference that makes no difference is no difference.

                        Old Blue- New Tricks
                        91 Festiva FSM PDF - Dropbox


                        • #13
                          Look into an IPR bit, Chevy has them on seat bolts, Might help
                          Euro-bprt...WORLDS FASTEST FESTIVA !!! 11.78@115.9
                          BP, G trans, Megasquirt/ 550cc inj. t3/t3 (tbird) Garrett, REAR TURBO!!!! AND AC!!!!
                          Redneck Engineer
                          FOTY - '09
                          5x Festiva Madness Attendee...FM 3,4,5,6,8


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by sketchman View Post
                            I might end up going Ali.

                            SWRT, I can't get anything large or horizontal down to the heads. They are in wells with barely enough room to get a socket in them. The whole design is one of the stupider ones I've had to mess with.

                            Sometimes the only design train of thought I can see for these things is an SNL skit.

                            Whose brain did this make sense in? lol
                            Eh, I'd use them only if they take Paypal. It's one of those Alibaba sites
                            from back in the day so you've gotta be careful.

                            Haha, nice. Freakin sucks though. Wasn't sure how much room you had.
                            You could always try filing down a larger bit as well as a last resort I guess.
                            Last edited by SWRT; 08-05-2015, 09:08 AM.
                            1993 Festiva - White/Black - 5 speed


                            • #15
                              Figured it out. Was completely my stupidity.

                              I couldn't see the bolt heads well at all because of the design of the head, and instead of cleaning off the oil from them I just put a bit down there and it felt perfect, so I went with it.

                              Well that bit was a T+ T50, so it was really too small, but the extra thickness of the + made it feel fine, and the black oil masked the fact that the points didn't reach to the ends of the slots in the bolt head. So when the one bolt came out fine I didn't think to check it, because I'm thinking it's all good still. 2nd bolt rounds fully and I still don't think to check the one that did come out.

                              The one I took to the stores must have been deformed enough that even the right size bit wouldn't fit anymore.

                              Because, I just on a whim grabbed a regular T55 and it slid into the untouched bolt heads perfectly.

                              Couple days later I managed to pop the front retaining lip off a cast iron knuckle trying to press out the axle stub for a bearing change. And yes, I was pressing on the stub instead of the bearing race. It was that seized. Had to cut it off with a torch. Then the oxygen decided to run out 3/4 of the way through that, so I had to finish it with a grinder. Shoulda been a lawyer or a doctor or a moonshiner or a drug dealer, cause mechanics hates me.
                              Last edited by sketchman; 08-08-2015, 11:02 PM.
                              Any difference that makes no difference is no difference.

                              Old Blue- New Tricks
                              91 Festiva FSM PDF - Dropbox

