I brought 1993 Festiva GL only it was only 70 dollar! but it was two problem, one head gasket blown out but big worse the old owner driver keep driving for 3 years with huge white/black puff smoke out the pipe cover up anything on street and easy blind to other cars. Finally he give up fix the engine because he don't know how! and second problem is the roof next to windshield got ugly dent.
I was said how hell he got passed smog test every 1-2 years? with bad huge smoke, engine light on, oil light on, and overheat problem. I did asked him and I found out that his best friend work for Smog test center do illegal to skip the test and give him a passed test!
I did drove it from Sacramento to Rancho Cordova city, I was too laugh hard to see really huge smoke almost cover up behind of me and all cars keep going on left side and no cars next to me or behind me. It really Burning too much oil and mixed with water, I had to fill up water every time good for about 5 min before start overheating. Couldn't drive far than 40 MPH so badly with full pushing gas! and override two fan spin on all time. So I decided to have major tune up with engine such new gaskets and some parts.
Now I am glad done with major tune up and it runs very prefect now.

Also, done upgrade my better plate "EVO GTX"
Next project will be upgrade to Aspire brake and bigger tires.