notice they say an 87' festiva :lol: and the pic is of a 90 or newer. think they could at least get the yr the car was made right.
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festiva made the scary car list
Sounds like those guys don't like Horse Power. :shock:
They would really freak if they visited this sight.~Jeff
1988 Festiva LX Silver 5speed. 219,000 miles. My new daily driver.
1988 Festiva L Plus Red 2brl 4speed. 504,477 miles and holding till I get the speed-o fixed.
2003 Mustang GT 5speed
yeah they should add a turbo festiva... imagine going 125 mph in a festiva PAST traffic hahahahahah :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:Ian Carr
88' flat black festy, has an e-brake that works!
99' S70 T5M- faster DD
86' 951- almost ready for track season
My old b6t- wish i still had it
Every car I have owned has had a turbo in it, until I bought this latest festiva.. I plan to fix that though.
OMG that is too funny :lol: :lol:
Take a good look at this car. Kind of small, wouldn't you say? Now imagine yourself in a Festiva surrounded by amphetamine-snacking tractor-trailer drivers. Going 75 miles per hour. At night. In the rain. Scared yet? We sure are. We once got in trouble for saying this car came right from the factory with a funeral wreath on the grille.------------------------------------------------
The Trigger - Midwest Festiva Inc., Illinois Chapter
Smart Passion white with H-D interior
HD2500 Duramax Chevy
Harley Davidson Ultra classic ..I am in love !!
Pro Street S-10
Diamond white Deville 27,000 mile cream puff
Z28 LS1 power 500 +
90 Festy L daily driver wants to be modded, OK
It is being modded , a little at a time
Join me on Facebook !! ;
A funeral wreath!
I never thought of THAT option!!
May as well add casket handles on the sides of the car. Make it a Festiva themed funeral.
Karl'93GL "Prettystiva" ticking B3 and 5 speed, backup DD; full swaps in spring!
'91L "AquaMutt" my '91L; B6 swap/5 speed & Aspire brakes, DD/work car
'92L "Twinstiva" 5sp, salvage titled, waiting for repairs...
'93GL "Luxstiva," '94 B6 engine & ATX; needs overhauled
'89L "Muttstiva," now a storage bin, future trailer project
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
dude, thats hilarious! and yeah, the metro should definently be on that list.89 L, hopefully returning from the dead soon with a little more power... :twisted:
92 integra, daily driver, broke a clutch disc, sold
New dd, 02 Nissan sentra, 1.8 5 spd
"The inside, however, is all Ford Falcon, a pedestrian vehicle if ever there was one. So what, you say? Well, drop a Boss V-8 into a Ford Falcon and what do you get? An overpowered car that doesn't have the shocks, brakes or structural rigidity to turn or stop well."
beyond the basic floor pan and suspension setup a boss mustang has nothing in common with a falcon. btw- i feel much safer in a festiva than in my falcon.AIM= bobbo216
What a freaking joke..
The Suzuki Samurai is NOT particularly tippy, and Consumer Reports had to alter their test to even get it to tip!
The original test driver, in charge of trying to get it to tip stated that it was more stable than MANY vehicles he tried to get to tip over. In the end, Consumer Reports had to specifically TRY to get it to tip..
This is well documented and assholes like these two supposed "Car Guys" have thier heads squarely up thier asses..
this just pisses me off..
Sheeple!!!!!Have had 6 Festys... and counting...
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what, do you own a samaurai or something?89 L, hopefully returning from the dead soon with a little more power... :twisted:
92 integra, daily driver, broke a clutch disc, sold
New dd, 02 Nissan sentra, 1.8 5 spd
Originally posted by geezerstivawhat, do you own a samaurai or something?
I have also had a Pinto, a 69 Bird, and a VW bus..
This kind of stuff REALLY gets in my craw.
Scary cars... yeah.. scary cars are the RICE that cruise around here.. not the cars on that list... it's just ignorant.
But the Samurai thing just REALLY gets me pissed. Consumer Reports should have been sued off the planet on that one..
I can't find the video right now, I will find it. It shows consumer reports having a VERY HARD time getting it to tip.
At one point in the video, the test driver admitted that it "just won't tip!"
At that point, the editor said "let me drive it, I will get it to tip for the camera..
Consumer reports has been quoted as saying that it took 47 attempts to get the car to tip..
47 attempts!!!!!!!!
Those pricks should be in jail
read this:
and this:
The American people should know that Consumer Reports is a scam and that they LIE to promote their own magazine
AND NOW.. Read the TRUTH.. this is an exerpt.. WORD FOR WORD from one of the civil trials over this incident.
if this doesn't piss you off.. nothing will:
A. April 20, 1988: Long-Course Testing
On April 20, 1988, the ATD tested the Samurai, along with the Jeep Cherokee, Isuzu Trooper II, and Jeep Wrangler, on its standard long course, a double lane-change avoidance maneuver test course that CU had used since 1973.[FOOTNOTE 2] The long course was designed to replicate an emergency situation in which a driver suddenly steers a vehicle left into the opposing lane, to avoid an obstacle, and quickly back into the original lane to avoid oncoming traffic. Several CU personnel were in attendance during the April 20 testing, including Robert Knoll, the head of the ATD, Dr. R. David Pittle, CU' s Technical Director and Senior Vice-President, and Irwin Landau, the Editorial Director of Consumer Reports, who had been assigned as the initial writer and editor of the Samurai article. Pittle had invited Landau to attend the testing because he thought that they might witness a tip-up of the Samurai.
CU driver Kevin Sheehan drove the Samurai first, putting it through the long course 16 times at speeds reaching over 50 miles per hour. The Samurai that Sheehan drove was equipped with outriggers, which essentially act as training wheels to prevent the car from tipping over completely.[FOOTNOTE 3] During Sheehan' s runs, the Samurai did not tip over, prompting Sheehan to make the following evaluation of the car: "rubbery, slow response, rocks a bit, but never felt like it would tip over." In the Avoidance Maneuver Data Summary, Sheehan rated the Samurai as highly as or better than other vehicles tested that day.
After Sheehan had completed his testing, CU removed the outriggers. CU driver Rick Small then drove the Samurai through the long course 21 times at speeds similar to those achieved by Sheehan. Again, there were no tip-ups. In his driver log, Small stated: "steering is slow, but it works--responds well and corrects quickly, leans normally, snaps back. Confidence fairly high. No real problem." On the basis of his test drives, Small rated the Samurai higher than the other three vehicles tested that day.
According to testimony by former CU employee Ron Denison, at some point during the long-course testing, which had not demonstrated any tip-ups of the Samurai, Landau told Sheehan: "If you can' t find someone to roll this car, I will."
EVEN THOUGH THE SAMURAI WAS RATED BETTER THAN THE JEEP, AND THE ISUZU, THE SUZUKI WAS THE VEHICLE THAT CONSUMER REPORTS ATTACKED AND RUINED.. They sold 80,000 of them in 87, before the report, and 5,000 of them in 88, AFTER the report... yeah.. they nearly ruined Suzuki's US Market over this personal vendetta.
This guy, and several executives belong in JAIL over this.Have had 6 Festys... and counting...
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tom and ray seems to like to use festivas as an stepping stone to get their humour across:
never actally writing an article on them ,
although tom does mention he had owned onr in the past
cars are really just a venue for their 3rd rate stand up comic routine.
ive never liked their show.
why did CU dislike suzuki so much, who was lining their pockets?"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." -Mohandas Gandhi