Hi everyone!
Just wanted everyone to know about my little trip across country.
This past April I decided to move to CA from Pittsburgh...my lease was up so i had to move anyway, why not move somewhere warm? So i called my friend who lives here and asked if i could stay with him for a while while I got my bearings, etc. "Sure, come on out"!
So I packed up my '88 L+ Festy and headed west. Would I make it?
I was pretty confident since my festy had rarely let me down before. My only worries were the fact that I had not changed the timing belt recently, and did not have the time to do it before I left, so i just wished for the best. Also it had been getting hard to start in the morning, but i didn't think anything about that.
Since it's only a 4 speed, road noise was pretty bad; I had to crank the stereo pretty loud to hear it. (music of choice: the Donna's, Veruca Salt, Dig Jelly, Brian Setzer, among others) I was used to 55-65 mph speed limits in the PA area....some places out west are 75-80! fortunately I had put in some Dynamat a few years ago, so that probably helped a bit.
I decided to take 5 days to drive there, with 4 overnight stays. the morning after my first overnight, in Illinois, it wouldn't start! Lots of cranking, but nothing else. I was about to call AAA but the hotel desk clerk told me that their handyman was good with cars, and to have him take a look. Well, free advice! ok, have a look. He took off the air cleaner, and told me my choke was sticking closed, so he used a screwdriver to open it for me while I cranked, and it started right up!
So, for the next few days, every morning, that's what I did to start it
(when I got here, I cleaned everything, and now it's fine)
So, along the way I got to see some good sites, such as some civil war sites, Old Town Albuquerque, NM, and the big Meteor Crater in AZ.
I averaged about 43 m.p.g. on the trip, but that's not too bad considering the load i was carrying ( my car was full) and the speed i had to go to keep from getting run over!!!
it's still running good, 6 months later, although I had a small fender bender which smashed a headlight and bent my hood. Went to a Pick-A-Part to get a used light ($34) and will fix it soon.
If anyone every tells you festys are crap... they have NO idea what they're talking about. As Comic Book Man on the Simpsons would say:
"Best ...car ...Ever!"