JDMSTIVA - Rest in Peace. Festiva of the Month, May '16 - Best Beater & Bad Luck Award, FMX - (Build Thread)
JDMSTIVA V2 - Racecar, Showcar, Work in Progress - (Build Thread)
1990 LX - B6D swapped, mostly stock.
How to find me:
Facebook messenger is the best way. m.me/willsamet
Feel free to PM me anytime!
Reddit / Snapchat / everywhere else: w4rky
Instagram/Twitter: @WILLSAMET
Is it an efi or carb car? You will take a power hit going large diameter. Youll notice it more on a carbed car since they have a lot less horsepower.
So do you want larger rim and wider tire but close to the same dismeter like this?
Or go all southern american like this?
Owner of Team Lightning
90 L "Peewee" B6D. Bought new May 16,1990
92 L Thunder BP G5M-R Turbo B6T electronics. Jan 2016 FOTM winner SOLD
93 L Lightning. BP
Not a user of drugs or alcohol, Just addicted to Festiva's
165/55R14 would be my recommendation as well, with a 14x6 wheel.
- Korean Note 4 via Tapatalk -
Will Samet
JDMSTIVA - Rest in Peace. Festiva of the Month, May '16 - Best Beater & Bad Luck Award, FMX - (Build Thread)
JDMSTIVA V2 - Racecar, Showcar, Work in Progress - (Build Thread)
1990 LX - B6D swapped, mostly stock.
How to find me:
Facebook messenger is the best way. m.me/willsamet
Feel free to PM me anytime!
Reddit / Snapchat / everywhere else: w4rky
Instagram/Twitter: @WILLSAMET
There have been a lot of threads about this. More reading and learning than you could want to do about it here
What is your goal? Drag racing, autocross, daily driving but better looks and handling, hypermiling....
If its the second last option there the 165/55/14 achilles tire works great, is super cheap and available online shipped to your or your tire shops door.