well i got a chance to get into the body shop and snap a few pictures of my car hopefully it will be done with in a week or 2 i just fiberglassed the grill and he is working on the bumpers and fixing the FMS hood.
Awesome !! I like that color , what actually is that ..
I like the rear hatch too
------------------------------------------------ The Trigger - Midwest Festiva Inc., Illinois Chapter
Smart Passion white with H-D interior
HD2500 Duramax Chevy
Harley Davidson Ultra classic ..I am in love !!
Pro Street S-10 http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2214968
Diamond white Deville 27,000 mile cream puff
Z28 LS1 power 500 +
90 Festy L daily driver wants to be modded, OK
It is being modded , a little at a time http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2214953
the color is a 06 ford gun metal color, as far as the plate i dont know i really dont want to make something for the bumper i was thinking of suction cupping it to the window (which is illegal) or i have this dealer plate thing which is rubber you close the hatch on it and it sticks out. most car dealerships use them when they do test drives. if you have a better idea let me know. it all depends on how much i drive the car to it may just be a weekend cruiser or it may become my work vehicle