Arrived home @ 4am after being gone for 32hrs and 45min, covered 993.2 miles, averaged 39.7 mpg (sucks!), got 42.1mpg on the home stretch, and only 3-4hrs of sleep since early Friday morning. i used a total of about 22gal of gass for the whole trip.
those #'s (miles and mpg) are corrected for my larger tire size.
I figure my mileage was so low because of a few things: 1) on the way up i was in hurry, pushing 75-80. 2) almost the whole way was thru the mountains of WV, pushing the poor lil B3 hard trying to just make it up, and 3) sitting for an hour in basically stopped traffic.
I left Lynchburg @ 6:15 on fry afternoon, arrived at John (Pu241)'s house around 1:30am, he was such a good sport still up and had a pizza waiting! thanks so much! after chatting with him for a while we got around 3hrs of sleep and then headed out towards summit, stopped for breakfast and met a guy who has had several (13) festivas so we chatted with him a bit. Karl and Dave also met us there and we all drove the west of the way to summit together.
After the meet Paul and I headed back down towards VA together, left around 7pm. Drove straight through (except gass and P stops) and i got home around 4am. slept for 4hrs, got up for breakfast with mom and then church and hang out w/ some friends from school who are leaving this week and now here i am... must get some more sleep am not functioning correctly :lol:
I had the most awesome time ever, I have some pics but they didn't turn out as good as expected. I'll upload them tomorow from school. i think the highlight of the trip may have been driving the smart car around the parking lot (BTW, who told Chris's parent's i was 13 and didn't have my drivers license? that was fny!)
Great to meet all you guys... look fwrd to it again sometime!
nap time now
this is the photobucket album with 60-some pics:
those #'s (miles and mpg) are corrected for my larger tire size.
I figure my mileage was so low because of a few things: 1) on the way up i was in hurry, pushing 75-80. 2) almost the whole way was thru the mountains of WV, pushing the poor lil B3 hard trying to just make it up, and 3) sitting for an hour in basically stopped traffic.
I left Lynchburg @ 6:15 on fry afternoon, arrived at John (Pu241)'s house around 1:30am, he was such a good sport still up and had a pizza waiting! thanks so much! after chatting with him for a while we got around 3hrs of sleep and then headed out towards summit, stopped for breakfast and met a guy who has had several (13) festivas so we chatted with him a bit. Karl and Dave also met us there and we all drove the west of the way to summit together.
After the meet Paul and I headed back down towards VA together, left around 7pm. Drove straight through (except gass and P stops) and i got home around 4am. slept for 4hrs, got up for breakfast with mom and then church and hang out w/ some friends from school who are leaving this week and now here i am... must get some more sleep am not functioning correctly :lol:
I had the most awesome time ever, I have some pics but they didn't turn out as good as expected. I'll upload them tomorow from school. i think the highlight of the trip may have been driving the smart car around the parking lot (BTW, who told Chris's parent's i was 13 and didn't have my drivers license? that was fny!)
Great to meet all you guys... look fwrd to it again sometime!
nap time now

this is the photobucket album with 60-some pics: