89 Festiva Carb. Sometimes it runs sometimes it doesn't. When it does run the motor spits and sputters so much it won't pull 5th gear but it runs fine in 4th. Replaced the fuel filter, cap, rotor, plugs, coil, air filter and checked the fuel tank screen. Today it won't fire at all. I checked for spark, tons of spark. Checked the inside of the carb and it's squirting plenty of gas into the carb when I open the throttle. I'm at a loss! I even trued removing one of the plugs and pouring gas into the cylinder and it still won't fire!
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Gas, Spark and still no go.
its a matter of physics,fuel will not ignite if there is not enough oxygen.example get a beacon of petrol in glass with about 5to10 mil in the bottom and use one of those electric spark devises they use for lighting bbq's.hold it right down near the fuel and make it spark and gradually draw it up and out of the beacon ,when the mixture is right it will ignite.This is the same for the petrol combustion engine. How ever I have read what you have done to your car ,you have neglected to check the distributor cap have a look inside it and see if there tracks where the spark has run to earth ,this means that your spark instead of going to the spark plugs is shorting out to earth inside your cap.Cheers Robert.it could be also to much fuel if your needle and seat is not working properly.
it does sound like a dirty carb to me. Take it off, and apart, spray liberally with carb cleaner, remember all the settings. Then reassemble and see if that helps. Make sure to take out the jets and clean them really good and clean the needle really good, make sure it moves freely.90 festiva BP/G25MR swap, spec v seats, aspire brakes, FMS springs, round headlight conversion with HID's, custom exhaust, fiberglass hood, and a whole lotta bodywork
mxracer170,there is one sure way to tell if it is spark or fuel.buy yourself a can of aero start.This is either used for starting diesel motors.You can block off the fuel to the carbyand get some one to turn the motor over with the ignition key and at the same time sqirt the aero start into the inlet manifold ,if you have spark then your car will run on the aero start if it wont go then it means you have no spark at the spark plugs.It also sounds like you need to check your spark timing. However there is one more thing that I know you should check. this is over looked by the majority of people including mechanics, make sure that your fuel tank breather is not blocked,if in doubt take your fuel tank cap off and 9 out of ten times you will find that it fixes your problem.Cheers Bob.
I’ve checked for spark and there is plenty. I then pulled the carb off and started to disassemble the carb, I found many of the jets and small passageways were plugged. I’ve got a junkyard pulling a carb off another festiva that I’m going to rebuild and try that. I’m not sure what any of the settings like air screw and idle are supposed to be but I figure even if my settings are a little off the car will at least fire. I don’t think it’s a timing issue since sometimes it runs fine and sometimes it won’t run at all.
I put a new carb on and it ran awesome for a week. I thought the problem was fixed, then it left me stranded. The motor will start but when I give it gas it dies. Took it for a 20 mile test drive last night and it ran great. Started it today and it'll barely run. The fuel pump is pumping plenty of gas, fills a coke bottle in about 20 seconds. Yet it doesn't look like the carb is spraying gas when it's running. Shouldn't I see a mist of gas when it's running? I've got plenty of spark. Below is a list of parts I replaced in the order I replaced them.
Air filter
spark plugs
fuel filter
carb, new used one
checked the fuel tank for clogged screen , looks clear
I NEED this car fixed, please help!
Try getting the ignition control module tested, the little black plastic box inside the distributor. It can cause intermittent problems when deteriorating and near death.Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.
no, you won't see the fuel "misting" into the intake. if you do, there's something wrong. you may, however, depending on the tempreture, see the primary throtle plate "change colors". by that i mean get darker and lighter in contrast. that's a sign that the carb is working. also make sure your cam hasn't skipped a tooth.Trees aren't kind to me...
currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.