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electrical thinggers

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  • electrical thinggers

    im installing an msd coil, and i want to get rid of the whole stock coil bracket and just mount the coil on the firewall. am i asking for trouble moving those two modules that are mounted on the bracket? i was just going to attach them to the firewall.
    89SX funtop! Fully loaded!
    RIP 90LX

  • #2
    do they have a ground wire on them or do they even need to be grounded? if they do need to be grounded scrape some paint off to get a good ground ( just incase ) you dont want arckey sparkey :lol:

    Mike, AKA the sasquatch
    1990 LX, bp+T/g25mr, 9psi dynoed at 194HP, turbonetics t3/to4e 57trim, haltech E6X standalone, 550cc injectors, turbosmart wastegate, synapse BOV, walbro 255 fuel pump, aeromotive FPR, AEM wideband, 3 inch exhaust, huge FMIC, 9LB flywheel, 6 puck clutch and way more parts that im forgetting i installed lol...


    • #3
      the only part grounded to the bracket from what I recall is the radio suppression capacitor the square thingy off the coil.
      If you want to be sure I usually run a dedicated ground wire with a ring terminal under the terminal I am connecting to the body. kind of a double ground. (sometimes called overkill).
      it runs so sweet
      91 L 5spd


      • #4
        these two things

        89SX funtop! Fully loaded!
        RIP 90LX


        • #5
          I mounted mine on the firewall when i did the msd blaster coil replacement.
          The Jester - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter


          • #6
            cool. i was just reading the factory manual and the bigger module is the ign module. its supposed to ground the negative side of the coil
            89SX funtop! Fully loaded!
            RIP 90LX


            • #7
              Originally posted by stefan
              these two things

              Those aren't thinngers they're do-hickeys
              Calgary AB, Canada
              93 L B6T: June 2016 FOTM
              59 Austin Healey "Bugeye" Sprite

              "It's infinitely better to fail with courage than to sit idle with fear...." Chip Gaines (pg 167 of Capital Gaines, Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff)

              Link to the "Road Trip Starting Points" page of my Econobox Café blog


              • #8
                ^^ I thought they were whatchamacallits!

                93 GL modyfied!!!


                • #9
                  Well one of the thingamyjigs has a Mitsusbishi badge on it
                  Tell it like it is...not how it should be


                  • #10
                    i think alot of ignition componets are made by mitsusbishi. all my friends dirt bikes and mine, my car all have mitsusbishi parts on them

                    Mike, AKA the sasquatch
                    1990 LX, bp+T/g25mr, 9psi dynoed at 194HP, turbonetics t3/to4e 57trim, haltech E6X standalone, 550cc injectors, turbosmart wastegate, synapse BOV, walbro 255 fuel pump, aeromotive FPR, AEM wideband, 3 inch exhaust, huge FMIC, 9LB flywheel, 6 puck clutch and way more parts that im forgetting i installed lol...


                    • #11
                      I just looked and my doohickymajigs say "Betty Crocker" and "Just My Size." I think some female may have modded this thing before I got to it!


                      '93GL "Prettystiva" ticking B3 and 5 speed, backup DD; full swaps in spring!
                      '91L "AquaMutt" my '91L; B6 swap/5 speed & Aspire brakes, DD/work car
                      '92L "Twinstiva" 5sp, salvage titled, waiting for repairs...
                      '93GL "Luxstiva," '94 B6 engine & ATX; needs overhauled
                      '89L "Muttstiva," now a storage bin, future trailer project

