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A Conundrum Of Sorts

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  • A Conundrum Of Sorts

    Spent about 2 hours down in the garage pulling the front end of the festy apart. I've made a few observations:

    Observation 1: Carburated Festivas have built-in tool shelves.

    Observation 2: Battery acid kills metal. Kills it dead. Fortunately, my dad and I are pretty sure we can mend this bit.

    Observations 3 and 4: Dayum these things are little cars! Also air conditioning is unnecessary and inconvenient and a pain in the rear.

    Final observation: It's kind of sexy with nothing on it.

    And finally, the reason this post is in the repair thread: A question.

    Is it going to be cheaper and easier for me to get a parts car to cannibalize? Or will it be better to buy parts new or from a junkyard, depending on the part? Any input you guys have would be great, since I'm new to these little front-drive hatchback wonders.

    PS the black car in the background is the family Porsche. It's an '86 944 and is very, very difficult to keep running.

    flickr tos link
    '87 Volvo 740Ti Estate | '88 Festiva LX FOR SALE

  • #2
    I would be interested inyour A/C parts if you aren't using them.

    93 GL modyfied!!!


    • #3
      "Final observation: It's kind of sexy with nothing on it."

      I've made that observation about several females...
      Jim DeAngelis

      kittens give Morbo gas!!

      Bright Blue 93 GL (1.6 8v, 5spd) (Hula-Baloo)
      Performance Red 94 Aspire SE (Stimpson)


      • #4
        Originally posted by 25Horseplay
        I would be interested in your A/C parts if you aren't using them.
        The condenser is a lost cause, but the compressor looks to be in pretty good shape. I'll snap some pictures once I get the rest of it off.

        EDIT: I'm not planning on putting any of the A/C stuff back on. It's too heavy. :twisted:

        Originally posted by FB71
        "Final observation: It's kind of sexy with nothing on it."

        I've made that observation about several females...
        Who hasn't?
        '87 Volvo 740Ti Estate | '88 Festiva LX FOR SALE


        • #5
          It depends on what you're planning on replacing. If it's going to run more than $200-$300, I'd look for a parts car. They can usually be obtained for less than $300. I am opposed to taking serviceable Festivas off the road however, so please try to find one that's wrecked or has a blown engine or is otherwise beyond saving. My first Festiva was a $100 junkyard refugee that ran like a champ after I replaced the clutch and a gasket or two.
          Axlander9289, brother of ThisVelologist

          Festivas past:
          Aqua '92 Festiva L - Sold "Dale"
          White '89 Festiva L Plus - RIP "Dudley"
          White '93 Festiva GL - Sold to thisvelologist "Frito"
          Red '91 Festiva L - Sold to Louieisawesome "Geraldo"

          Current Fleet:
          Aqua '93 Festiva L with Aspire brakes "Dale Jr."
          Black and White '93 Festiva GL Sport (White alloys and spoiler are long gone) "Blues-tiva"
          White '15 Ford Transit Connect


          • #6
            I'm planning on replacing the hood, front fenders, and everything forward of the radiator.
            '87 Volvo 740Ti Estate | '88 Festiva LX FOR SALE


            • #7
              I spy two horns... its an LX?
              Jim DeAngelis

              kittens give Morbo gas!!

              Bright Blue 93 GL (1.6 8v, 5spd) (Hula-Baloo)
              Performance Red 94 Aspire SE (Stimpson)


              • #8
                As far as I can tell, yeah, it's an LX.
                '87 Volvo 740Ti Estate | '88 Festiva LX FOR SALE


                • #9
                  The built in tool of the draw backs of the festiva...not enough.

                  The battery damage...if you don't sand blast or get every last pice of rust out...cover with epoxy...if you don't it will tear thru any new paint. Dupont used to make a product called Extend (in a brush or spray can). Made for problems like this. Sold in the bondo section. There's a buch of knock offs too.
                  Joe Lutz

                  The SKATE ..... 1992L 5spd
                  The Greatest Purchase I Ever Made


                  • #10
                    That's the stuff that turns rust into paintable primer, right? We're planning on welding a patch in once we get the gunk out.
                    '87 Volvo 740Ti Estate | '88 Festiva LX FOR SALE


                    • #11
                      Where are you getting parts from? I have a hard time finding them in the Cleveland area.

                      93 GL modyfied!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by threephin
                        That's the stuff that turns rust into paintable primer, right? We're planning on welding a patch in once we get the gunk out.
                        Dupont Extend is sandable and paintable...what ever you buy...look for something that says 'encapsulates' or 'epoxy'
                        Joe Lutz

                        The SKATE ..... 1992L 5spd
                        The Greatest Purchase I Ever Made


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by 25Horseplay
                          Where are you getting parts from? I have a hard time finding them in the Cleveland area.
                          I just spent a couple minutes talking to my dad, and I think we're going to go with a parts car. A family friend has a festiva that's pretty rusted out in the back that we'll take body panels and such from. It's even the same color! I'll be parting out whatever's left that we don't use, including the running FI motor/tranny. I'm debating whether to keep some of it for just in case... Problem is I don't have anywhere to store it.
                          '87 Volvo 740Ti Estate | '88 Festiva LX FOR SALE


                          • #14
                            You just made ALOT of new freinds with that post, ^^^^^^ lol :wav:
                            Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
                            Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
                            "Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by scitzz1
                              You just made ALOT of new freinds with that post, ^^^^^^ lol :wav:

                              Yep, I bet there will be plenty of volunteers to help you "store" your parts.

