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Starter Problem. Works ,most of the time

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  • Starter Problem. Works ,most of the time

    Every-once-in-a-while I go to start my trusty Festy and it makes that grinding sound and on next click it works perfect.Any ideas ?

  • #2
    Loose ground somewhere?

    93 GL modyfied!!!


    • #3
      Hmmm.when it gets 70 outside I will go check that .! Just kidding.
      __________________________________________________ ______
      Still winning your sticker ??


      • #4
        check and make sure starter is mated up tight. It used to be possible to "shim" the starter to make it match up better, but was mostly guesswork. Could be the rod is bent, or a tooth on the starter or flywheel is bad.....
        Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
        Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
        "Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.


        • #5
          Thanks,Guys.I will check this.


          • #6
            try getting a new ground and ground our trans and stater i had this issue before if not that your silinoid wire is bad i redid mine as well and it runs but i need head bolts now lol and i lost 3 of them so yeah i'm in over my head


            • #7
              I have to ask, how does a loose ground cause starter grinding?
              Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
              Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
              "Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.


              • #8
                ^^^good question...i thought the same....
                an intermittent circuit could cause rapid on-off-on-off-on-off.......
                thus the engagement could be in-out-in-out-in-out-in-out......
                producing a grinding like's possible.
                Joe Lutz

                The SKATE ..... 1992L 5spd
                The Greatest Purchase I Ever Made


                • #9
                  ^^Thats what I was thinking when I said that. It is really hard to identify a sound over the internet.

                  93 GL modyfied!!!


                  • #10
                    ok, I get it now. Mine has what I call "starter grind". the flywheel and starter teeth not properly engaging. Since I am approaching 600,000 miles at a rapid pace, I figger I can't cuss em for giving out oh so slowly. I get pretty much what he is describing, sometimes I turn the key and it grinds. wait a sec, turn and start. My grounds are fine, so yeah.
                    Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
                    Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
                    "Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.


                    • #11
                      It sounds like maybe the pinion gear isn't popping out as far as it should thus not engaging properly. Sounds like the starter could be just wearing out.


                      • #12
                        yeah.! scitzz1 << explained it , exactly.!


                        • #13
                          I thought someone else would have mentioned this.........
                          It probalbly would be a good idea before buying a new remove the existing and on a bench insure that the solenoid/bendix feature is working properly and not just dirty.
                          Also while the starter is out.....pull the spark plugs....have some one turn the front sheave with a socket or wrench....while the engine is turning....look in the hole where the starter was mounted and make sure all of the flywheel teeth are there...hate to see you buy a new starter and the problem not be fixed...I'm not sure about festivas loosing their teeth....but it not an uncommon problem....especially with the women I date
                          Joe Lutz

                          The SKATE ..... 1992L 5spd
                          The Greatest Purchase I Ever Made


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jglutz
                            I thought someone else would have mentioned this.........
                            It probalbly would be a good idea before buying a new remove the existing and on a bench insure that the solenoid/bendix feature is working properly and not just dirty.
                            Also while the starter is out.....pull the spark plugs....have some one turn the front sheave with a socket or wrench....while the engine is turning....look in the hole where the starter was mounted and make sure all of the flywheel teeth are there...hate to see you buy a new starter and the problem not be fixed...
                            Yeh, that was kinda what I was suggesting to check, but was too lazy to type it. I need to do that eventually on mine

                            Originally posted by jglutz
                            I'm not sure about festivas loosing their teeth....but it not an uncommon problem....especially with the women I date...

                            Dude. :shock:
                            Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
                            Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
                            "Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.


                            • #15
                              Are you sure that flywheel teeth could be an issue? My experience is if it's the flywheel then just trying to start it again doesn't work because the bad flywheel teeth are still in the same position. If waiting fixes the problem then I'm still sure it has to do with the starter somehow. Mabe teeth on the pinion gear or something with the solenoid in the starter. Still, I may be wrong. Been wrong before. So it doesn't hurt to check the flywheel teeth before investing in a new starter or other part.

