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'96 Aspire won't start

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  • '96 Aspire won't start

    Hello Folks. '96 Aspire, 1.3 l , 2 door, manual, 181 K Km., Canada.

    Car won't start, will crank. Hear fuel pump for ~ 2 sec. when key turned to on ( ignition ). Changed fuel filter. Fuel pump 6 months old. When fuel filter just changed, no fuel under pressure, just seeped out.
    After some reading I suspect coil/module/ disty. Factory service manual in mail to me.

    Any suggestions ?

    Question Authority.

  • #2
    check fues links and fuel rail fuel sending unit and fuel wires and relays


    • #3
      Check fuel pressure the pump can run without building pressure
      96 Ford F-150 XLT
      93 Festiva L (Modified)
      92 Festiva L
      68 Mustang GT 428cj


      • #4
        need a diagram please let me know i have all data the whole nine yards


        • #5
          snick, which manual did you purchase? The standard Service Manual does not contain driveability diagnostics/repair. For that, you will need to find a 1996 Non-NAAO PC/ED (Powertrain Control / Emissions Diagnostic) Manual. Before you jump to any conclusions about the ignition, you need to do some basic diagnostics. First, just because your fuel pump is only six months old, doesn't mean it hasn't gone bad. Second, you could have debris clogging the sump in the tank, starving the pump for fuel. The only way to be sure is to do a fuel pressure test. Sears sells a fuel pressure tester for about $30. As for the ignition, here's a basic check; disconnect one of the plug wire frome the plug, insert a phillips screwdriver into the boot, hold the shaft of the screwdriver near the valve cover (about 1/8 inch clearance), and have someone crank the engine. Look for spark. If you do not have spark, remove the distributor cap, have your helper crank the engine again, and check to make sure the distributor's rotor is turning. If it does not turn, the timing belt is probably broken. Start there, and post back what you find. I can help you from there.
          Jim DeAngelis

          kittens give Morbo gas!!

          Bright Blue 93 GL (1.6 8v, 5spd) (Hula-Baloo)
          Performance Red 94 Aspire SE (Stimpson)


          • #6
            I removed + replaced two connectors on disty + throttle position sensor,
            cleaning excess dielectric grease off them. I also removed + repositioned 3 x 30 amp. fuses
            in engine, left side fusebox -- on left fender wall.
            i.e. no new parts , just re + re existing ones.
            Then car started + ran good. Also 'check engine light' is now off. I didn't attempt start this day before above re + re, but even though weather has warmed up, I suspect poor connection / conductivity as culprit.
            Thanks for suggestions + help.
            Question Authority.


            • #7
              i have gotten the best solution this is know on aspire take the fuel pump off and tank down filter gas out and wash out tank slug has probably clogged the line or the pump please check both i found this through ford them self so yes u need to check line and pull fuel pump if u put it in u should of read the precautions for has as a bullitin i looked it up all aspire and festiva with f/i have this issue when replacing


              • #8
                Jim was on the right track then. Anybody reading this, remember, try for the easy thing first. Check for spark, at the same time, you can be looking for fuel to spray from the cylinder you removed a plug from ( I remove a plug and use it instead of a piece of metal for this reason, Jim). If you have fuel, and spark, and nothing blocking the airflow, THEN look into the exotic, like is there not enough fuel pressure, etc......
                Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
                Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
                "Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.

