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Switching over Carb. for EFI? Point me toward the thread?

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  • Switching over Carb. for EFI? Point me toward the thread?

    Hi ya'll,

    I can't imagine this hasn't been well documented here by now (might even be a sticky!)...

    Can someone point me in the direction of how to change a carbed festy over to an EFI. I have the EFI motor already, and access to a cheap, dead EFI rust bucket over in Wisconsin for the other parts.

    Looks like Blacky is getting a make-over. No love from eBay this time.

    Thanks eh?!

    Because....45 MPG.

  • #2
    was this a forbidden question? I've never seem one not get at least a "look here" follow up.
    Because....45 MPG.


    • #3
      I am not sure it has been documented before?

      93 GL modyfied!!!


      • #4
        It seems like someone on here did that, but I'm thinking they did a B3 carbed to BP swap. If you weren't so far from me, you wouldn't even have to worrry about it. Thought long and hard about that one the whole time it was on ebay.

        Dumb thieves go to prison, smart ones go to work for the Government.

        1988 L - 232K miles Batstiva
        1989 L - 247K miles Slick
        1990 L - 281K miles Orphan Annie
        Let the hoarding begin!! :mrgreen:


        • #5
          Cool thanks! You know all the carb problem was on that black festy was a blown fuse under the dash!...amazing. The fella got it this morning, running like a champ.

          My daily driver is an 89 carbed, and I do have everything to switch over to EFI, just need to know what all intails. I hear the fuel tank and other strange things one wouldn't think of is involved.

          I'll keep looking, and when I figure it out, post a link.

          Thanks again,
          Because....45 MPG.

