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88 festiva troubles, wouldnt start!!

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  • 88 festiva troubles, wouldnt start!!

    we just got an 88 and it has good spark, fuel pump is pumping good and it just turns over and over and nothing...we tried messing with the timing but we dont kno anything about it...can anyone tell me a possible problem and i need to kno where the timing marks are..thanks guys

  • #2
    Try giving it some fuel (gas or starter fluid) directly... if it runs no matter how poorly then it's a carb problem ,if it's a camshaft problen (broken belt) it won't run at all even with gas ... lastly it could be a vacuum leak causing the "no start" .


    • #3
      well we got it down to the timing, what are the timing marks does anyone know?? what do we have to set it at


      • #4
        check the article section i think there is a post in there about that. As for the if the aboved mentioned isn't it. check the distrib. you will be able to tell if it is the dist or not when u check timming. it will not strobe on the spark plug wire. for some reasons 88's like going through hall effect sensors.

