Ok, so, for those of you that don't know, I'm new here! A proud festiva owner, and enjoying myself. :>
But, there are a couple of problems that my festiva, (who decided to relax for about 7 years) had/is having that are confusing me a bit. If anyone could offer some advice, that would be great! (sorry about the huge list, some concerns are smaller than others...)
The engine. I'm not sure why, but this is the second time the idler/tensioner has decided to become loose(?) and scream terribly, alternating between a squeal and a sort of strange rattling noise. It does it every time on startup, for about 20-30 seconds, then stops. Occasionally when the car is stopped at a stoplight (and idling) it will resume screaming. I took it to the place that put in the new engine, and they fixed it for free (as they should!) but what is it? It's started back up 2 weeks later. What's going wrong? Is it hurting my engine..?
Next, seatbelts. Ok, so they don't work, they are locked in the upright position. I looked in the fusebox first, the fuse was missing, so I bought a fuse, stuck it in, and the motor behind the drivers side started turning, but not the passenger side. (are there two motors?) Removing the fuse, I checked the connection under the seat, which was dirty.. I cleaned it with some rubbing alchohol. Is it the second motor that isn't working that is the problem? Or could it possibly be some other kind of malfunction? Is there a way to know without tearing the sidepanels/dashboard/whatever apart first?
Ac/Heating unit. I'm pretty sure my car just doesn't have one. I've got the most basic festiva ever. Really, ever. Nothing but an am/fm radio, lol. I've seen the part for sale for about $280/300. Is that really correct? Seems a bit expensive...
But I know come winter time I will be crying the big tears, being a tiny gal with poor resistance to cold! Having checked the 8 local jukyards, none of which have festivas currently, is it possible to find the part cheaper somewhere else? Or is there a 'companion unit,' one from a different model of car that will fit a festiva?
13' rims are ok, right? I'm concerned, since the tires on it are the same ones from forever (7 years) ago, and when speeding/slowing the car kind of bounces a bit. I believe some, if not all the tires are cupped. (indention from being left in one place too long..) I'd replace the tires, and save myself the headache but someone else owning a festiva, went 'round all the local walmarts and bought ALL of their 12' tires. (jerk!)
The axle/tire on the right front side makes kind of a whining/whirring noise, is that a bad bearing?
Water in the headlight cover, is there a way to clean it?
Speaking of water, I'm not sure where it's coming from, but I have it leaking into the hatch somewhere. I checked the rubber seal and it seems to be just fine, not dry or cracked. I made sure to clean out any leaves/otherstuffs that were in there, and I still seem to have the problem... any suggestions on plan of action?
Do festiva hoods have heat shields like other cars? Pretty much the only place I have bad/off paint on my car is on the hood... I think the engine baked it off... heatshield, yes/no..? I'd like to repaint my rollerskate at some point, but wouldn't like to take the risk if it's just gonna melt off again... :/
Fuel gauge doesn't work:
I've been told some interesting things about this one, but better to ask the guys that know, right? I can sort of guesstimate how far I'm going to get, I keep track of my miles. The gauge seems to read only if the tank is over half full, otherwise, it's dead on E, but I know the good ole' festiva can go much farther.. I've been told you can't find a bobber (if that is the problem..) or whatever other part is necessary. Any solutions...?
Right windshield wiper died. fuse is fine. What's going on?
Instrument panel randomly doesn't light up... ? (I think it might just be the festiva poking a bit of fun at me...) Only not lit up once.
Aaand, I think that's it.
I'll be at the festiva con next month!! Woo! (I will try to make this months also, although I'd like to get a few things fixed first...) See you guys there!
But, there are a couple of problems that my festiva, (who decided to relax for about 7 years) had/is having that are confusing me a bit. If anyone could offer some advice, that would be great! (sorry about the huge list, some concerns are smaller than others...)
The engine. I'm not sure why, but this is the second time the idler/tensioner has decided to become loose(?) and scream terribly, alternating between a squeal and a sort of strange rattling noise. It does it every time on startup, for about 20-30 seconds, then stops. Occasionally when the car is stopped at a stoplight (and idling) it will resume screaming. I took it to the place that put in the new engine, and they fixed it for free (as they should!) but what is it? It's started back up 2 weeks later. What's going wrong? Is it hurting my engine..?
Next, seatbelts. Ok, so they don't work, they are locked in the upright position. I looked in the fusebox first, the fuse was missing, so I bought a fuse, stuck it in, and the motor behind the drivers side started turning, but not the passenger side. (are there two motors?) Removing the fuse, I checked the connection under the seat, which was dirty.. I cleaned it with some rubbing alchohol. Is it the second motor that isn't working that is the problem? Or could it possibly be some other kind of malfunction? Is there a way to know without tearing the sidepanels/dashboard/whatever apart first?
Ac/Heating unit. I'm pretty sure my car just doesn't have one. I've got the most basic festiva ever. Really, ever. Nothing but an am/fm radio, lol. I've seen the part for sale for about $280/300. Is that really correct? Seems a bit expensive...

13' rims are ok, right? I'm concerned, since the tires on it are the same ones from forever (7 years) ago, and when speeding/slowing the car kind of bounces a bit. I believe some, if not all the tires are cupped. (indention from being left in one place too long..) I'd replace the tires, and save myself the headache but someone else owning a festiva, went 'round all the local walmarts and bought ALL of their 12' tires. (jerk!)
The axle/tire on the right front side makes kind of a whining/whirring noise, is that a bad bearing?
Water in the headlight cover, is there a way to clean it?
Speaking of water, I'm not sure where it's coming from, but I have it leaking into the hatch somewhere. I checked the rubber seal and it seems to be just fine, not dry or cracked. I made sure to clean out any leaves/otherstuffs that were in there, and I still seem to have the problem... any suggestions on plan of action?
Do festiva hoods have heat shields like other cars? Pretty much the only place I have bad/off paint on my car is on the hood... I think the engine baked it off... heatshield, yes/no..? I'd like to repaint my rollerskate at some point, but wouldn't like to take the risk if it's just gonna melt off again... :/
Fuel gauge doesn't work:
I've been told some interesting things about this one, but better to ask the guys that know, right? I can sort of guesstimate how far I'm going to get, I keep track of my miles. The gauge seems to read only if the tank is over half full, otherwise, it's dead on E, but I know the good ole' festiva can go much farther.. I've been told you can't find a bobber (if that is the problem..) or whatever other part is necessary. Any solutions...?
Right windshield wiper died. fuse is fine. What's going on?
Instrument panel randomly doesn't light up... ? (I think it might just be the festiva poking a bit of fun at me...) Only not lit up once.
Aaand, I think that's it.
I'll be at the festiva con next month!! Woo! (I will try to make this months also, although I'd like to get a few things fixed first...) See you guys there!