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AC question(s)

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  • AC question(s)

    I just bought a car with factory AC. It has only very little pressure in the system when I depress the shrader valve in the pressure line. The compressor doesn't run, probably due to low freon. Can I safely shoot a can of freon in the system or do I need to evac and then refill?

    Same scenario as above. Can I jump the wires on the pressure switch to force the compressor on briefly just to see if if is noisy, locked up or otherwise? Which wires? I see four of them on that switch.

  • #2
    If pressing the valve and freon need to evac the system yet.

    Adding a can or two should bring the system to minimum pressure so the switch should not need to be jumped out.

    Jumping the low or high pressure switch out to test the clutch is ok only for a second or two.

    You might want to consider that the first can added contain some type of stop leak.
    I do know on some recent junkers i worked on...using stop leak get what you pay for. I just looked in the garage to double check the luck...but i do remember paying about $15 at CAr Quest for this small can of all in one stop leak/oil/seal conditioner....alway worked.
    Joe Lutz

    The SKATE ..... 1992L 5spd
    The Greatest Purchase I Ever Made


    • #3
      dear god, no!!!!! Please don't use any sort of refrigerant stop leak!!!! I cannot tell you how many more problems that stuff causes in a refrigerant system. Compressor siezing, plugging of the TXV, restriction of receiver/dryer... Just recharge it.
      Jim DeAngelis

      kittens give Morbo gas!!

      Bright Blue 93 GL (1.6 8v, 5spd) (Hula-Baloo)
      Performance Red 94 Aspire SE (Stimpson)


      • #4
        hookin' it up to a machine and evacing will tell you so much.........about why the system is low,....not to mention that by just juicein' the system and tying to find the leak while that leak is blasting into the air is illegal. Stop leak is a patch, not a proper repair, I personaly love a/c work..........9/10ths labor, 1/10th parts............If stopleak has been introduced into any system, be it what ever (wurth is the most common here), I refuse to work on it for fear of x contamination. Take the time to fix it properly, it'll save you money in the end.............

        my 2 cents...........
        you want to blend in?, drive a honda
        92l festy car, original owner.
        2008 xls mitsubishi outlander
        1987 nissan diesel truck


        • #5
          Just take it in..they charge $19.99 to just look at it, hook up the gauges and tell ya what you need. R12 is kinda expensive but still the best freon out there...if there's a leak they can detect it, evac it then you can go and fix whatever you need to fix, bring it back and they will put the old evac'd freon back in and charge ya for the small addition(hopefully small). Well, I just went thru it so I'm speaking from experience!! hahahahah

          AC is blowing freezing cold and outside in Vegas is about 111 degrees F.

          My 2c


          1986 Ferrari Testarossa
          2002 BMW 745i
          2002 BMW 325i
          1989 BP'd Festi :p


          • #6
            you'all can still get r12???????............we have not been able to get it for several years now, doesn't matter a retro kit to r134 is most of the time a cheap solution, and the coolent is WAY WAY cheaper........but then we can not get r12, you are not even aloud to charge a system here with it anymore..... retro time if you were in canada!!!
            you want to blend in?, drive a honda
            92l festy car, original owner.
            2008 xls mitsubishi outlander
            1987 nissan diesel truck


            • #7
              Which wires would I jump at the pressure switch? Looks like yellow/green and black/white.

              One other question. The condenser fan doesn't come on when the AC button is pushed on the dash. Does the system have to be charged and the compressor running before the condenser fan comes on? The main engine cooling fan is on all the time due to being unplugged from the fan temp switch on the thermostat housing. Does it have to be hooked up for the condenser fan to work?


              • #8
                condensor fan runs when compressor runs
                Jim DeAngelis

                kittens give Morbo gas!!

                Bright Blue 93 GL (1.6 8v, 5spd) (Hula-Baloo)
                Performance Red 94 Aspire SE (Stimpson)


                • #9
                  yup....I second that.....when my AC system needed freon and the button was in the fan did not operate (got me worried) but as soon as the system was fully charged everything was operational just fine. Oh by the way, I have a used AC compressor, I got a brand new one cause the shop told me it was leaking..well it wasn't, it was the AC hose to the compressor. If anyone needs it let me know, I'm not looking here to get rich, just pay for the shipping and its yours.... :thumbleft:

                  1986 Ferrari Testarossa
                  2002 BMW 745i
                  2002 BMW 325i
                  1989 BP'd Festi :p


                  • #10
                    Ok...reading my post and getting PM's I appologize for not being clear in my last post. I put the new compressor (since I already got it) into my Festy and my old one, which is single grove, sticker with a serial# and "Ford logo" on it, still working fine w/o any squeals or leaks (to my knowledge) can be yours.
                    Also, I am leaving on a small vacation and I will be back Monday night (Aug 11th) at which time I will be checking the site. Also, due to the number of PM's, could you please post your offer on this thread? ( if that's ok?) I want to give it to someone who really needs it, who am I to decide who? Like I said, all I'm looking for is real shipping and whatever you want to pay for it it's up to you, ok? (I just dont want to put it oneBay)

                    Also, how the heck do you post pics on here in the "message"? Cant you just copy and paste? Am I doing something wrong?


                    1986 Ferrari Testarossa
                    2002 BMW 745i
                    2002 BMW 325i
                    1989 BP'd Festi :p


                    • #11
                      Can you post a pic of the compressor? I am interested and will throw in a sticker!

                      93 GL modyfied!!!


                      • #12
                        I want to but have NO CLUE how??!?!?!?! driving my nuts

                        1986 Ferrari Testarossa
                        2002 BMW 745i
                        2002 BMW 325i
                        1989 BP'd Festi :p


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by lasvegascop View Post
                          I want to but have NO CLUE how??!?!?!?! driving my nuts
                          You need to host a picture somehwere, I recommend, they host it and have a link you can copy and post right in your message. Simple!

                          93 GL modyfied!!!


                          • #14
                            Ohhhhhhhhhhh.....I see...but what about the pics that people just post right in their messages? No links or anything.....


                            1986 Ferrari Testarossa
                            2002 BMW 745i
                            2002 BMW 325i
                            1989 BP'd Festi :p


                            • #15
                              I'd like to be considered in line for it. I'll know more in maybe a week when I have my AC system worked on.

                              To post pictures, scroll down to manage attachments and click on it. You can then load in pictures from your hard drive.

