actually, there's valid sience behind that one, seeing that he's using a second injector pre-throtlebody and allowing that fuel to compleatly vaporise BEFORE being introduced into the upper plenum. the O2 will see the increase in the fuel ratio and reduce the main injectors output to compensate.
Jim, correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe the engine being shown is the straight 6 (300) and that it uses a batch fire sequence for the injectors (all at once for every cylinder).
that being said, there is a significant waist of fuel with that type of sustem (over sequential fire). any reduction in the batch fire dwell time while keeping the O2 happy will net an increase in MPG.
My $.02
Trees aren't kind to me...
currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.
correct, 4.9L/300ci straight six. Batch fire in two groups, 3 cylinders each (Except for 1996, which was Mass Air/SEFI). SEFI gains are primarily in low rpm driveablility and tailpipe emissions, very little fuel economy increase. The O2 has only a small influence on FPW (fuel pulse width), so you need to be careful about how much fuel you add upstream.
And you're correct about the fuel vaporization having a direct effect on economy.
Now, keep in mind, fuel economy actually went DOWN with the advent of two and three-way catalytic converters. They require hydrocarbon saturation in order to light-off, and this is accomplished by increasing fuel delivery at certains times. Chrysler calls this rich mixture 'cat food'... ha. Then PCM will send the system lean, causing a sharp rise in exhaust gas temp, 'lighting-off' the now HC rich cat, and providing it with oxygen for the catalytic conversion of exhaust gases. A non-emissions controlled vehicle can trim the fuel delivery to the ragged edge of lean, resulting in the highest safe cylinder pressure/temp with the least amount of fuel consumption, but at the expense of significant tailpipe emissions, primarily Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx).
Jim DeAngelis
kittens give Morbo gas!!
Bright Blue 93 GL (1.6 8v, 5spd) (Hula-Baloo)
Performance Red 94 Aspire SE (Stimpson)
ok ok old thread i know, but just to add my 2c - i own a 97 ford falcon (other aussies will know it) its a 4L (250) straight 6. its been worked blah blah but i have installed two devices between the pod filter and the t/b , they are propeller like in shape but remain stationary.
as the air passes them they create a spinning effect to the Air, like a twister (?) and atomise the air for a better combustion.
think of a clear bottle of fluid, if you simply turn it upside down the fluid pours out bubbling, rough, turbulent.
but if you give the bottle a little spin the fluid pours out,.. you guessed it, in a spinning, turbulent free and much smoother manner.
the results are that with similar mods to mine others are getting 500-550kms to a tank on the hwy.
mine? i s#*t you not -900+ kms to a tank on the hwy, and im not shy with right foot.
the first is mounted right after the filter (in the box) the other is right before the 180degree bend.
^ You can find something similar in the intake of many small engines.
Festiva: Because even my dog can build a Honda.
'90 L. B8ME/Kia Rio 5 speed. Rio/Aspire suspension swap. :-D
'81 Mustang. Inline 6, Automatic.
'95 Eagle Summit Wagon. 4G64 Powered.