I picked up a 1990 Festiva a while back that was in good shape but needed some mechanical work. It supposedly needed a clutch when I bought it. It also sat for a year in a garage. Over the winter I plan on going thru it and taking care of any issues it has.
First off, I can't get it started. I noticed there is a "jumper box" right by the battery. The wire that was in the center was completely corroded away and not connected. I rigged this up with a jumper wire. I put the battery on charge and when I try to start it, it doesn't even try to turn over. The lights come on in the dash, but there is no starting effort.
First off, I can't get it started. I noticed there is a "jumper box" right by the battery. The wire that was in the center was completely corroded away and not connected. I rigged this up with a jumper wire. I put the battery on charge and when I try to start it, it doesn't even try to turn over. The lights come on in the dash, but there is no starting effort.