Has anyone had a problem with only the right side headlight being dull? I thought the headlight bulb was bad so I bought a new headlight and plugged it in - no change.. So I checked wires, connector, tried swapping bulb from side to side and that is when I noticed if the left side bulb is unplugged the right side will not work. Having the right side unplugged does not effect the left side at all. The other thing I noticed is that it looks like both filaments are on in the bulb that is dull(can't tell in the other because it is to bright) and when I turn on the high beams the left side gets brighter and the right side gets even dimmer. That makes me think maybe a ground problem but it looks like the ground just goes to the other side and that side seems fine. Do we have any expert electrical guys that could help with this? Electrical is my weakness know only the basics.:help:
