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what tis dat??

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  • what tis dat??

    Hi all. was just down the car cleaning the engine bay up a bit when i noticed that on my back left wheel there was a dark area around the centre cap. i took the center cap on off and there was this grease i guess from the bearings or something all in the cap and around the edge of the center of the wheel. there looks like there is some damage to the bit that sticks out through the wheel, hopefully u know what im talking, and looks like the grease is ozzing from like a gash/ hole bit. just want to know what this means and hhow much?/ lol

  • #2
    the car is 93 festiva by the way


    • #3
      Sounds like you are talking about the grease cap/cover that is over the rear bearing. As far as why it is may not have been seated all the way or has become unseated. Is there an actual hole in the cap? Or a dent in it? If so just get a new one. Not sure what type of damage you may be speaking of that is under the cap. Maybe you could post some pics.
      89L Silver EFI auto
      91GL Green Auto DD
      There ain't no rest for the wicked
      until we close our eyes for good.
      I will sleep when I die!
      I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. I've got four wheels and a running board, I'm not a Chevy, I'M A FORD!


      • #4
        ^^ that is the only thing i can think of also?? pics please.
        The Jester - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter


        • #5
          ill try and put some on by tommorow, thanks yeah its like its hit something and grazed along it has like torn or punctured in one spot.


          • #6
            run out

            That's what the center cap is for. Run out. If the grease gets overheated, it may slump and the oil will separate out. Check for damage to the race. It is crucial that the exact torque be applied to the retaining nuts. When I worked in the grease lab, making greases for Esso, I tested almost every grease ever made. I tortured every lot on the wheel bearing tester. I have my preferences for smoothness of grind for milled greases as well as the types of Extreme Pressure (EP)additives. You have to feel it between your thumb and forefinger. Never cheap out on good lubrication


            • #7
              I think that the real problem lies in that you noticed your back left wheel in the engine bay.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gomez View Post
                I think that the real problem lies in that you noticed your back left wheel in the engine bay.
                ENFORCER - Midwest Festiva Inc., Iowa

                #1 '90 Sport to modified Lx - RollazX
                #2 .....Cheesehead
                #3 '91 White - Donor Car
                #4 .....Montana Project
                SOLD----Levistiva for $1500
                Bought her back for $450
                Now that's darn near priceless!!


                • #9
                  Some people may think a dust cap is a grease cap and pack it with grease. The damaged part may be the ding put in the nut to keep it from coming loose. If possible a photo might help clarify the situtation.
                  Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


                  • #10
                    well the grease coming out could just be b/c you need a new bearing. I had a rear bearing go bad and it overheated and leaked grease out onto the wheel. So try inspecting the bearing. It's only like $10 to get the rear bearing replaced. So all you need to do is replace it and it'll stop.
                    "If you're not first you're last!" -Ricky Bobby

                    -91L "Oliver" Now B6DE swapped with an ATX Capri ECU on a MTX!!!!
                    The little Festy that could...and did!
                    (Gone on to a new life)
                    -90 Ford Bronco II Eddie Bauer


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gomez View Post
                      I think that the real problem lies in that you noticed your back left wheel in the engine bay.
                      haha yeah. u underestimate my vision, im awesome, u have no idea. on one of my many trips back to the garage to get tools etc, i noticed it

