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Relay noise

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  • Relay noise

    I have a relay (near the battery, under the radiator resevoir) that is constantly making even with the key turned off. I believe this is an ignition relay. What would make it keep trying to make and is the relay bad or is there something else wrong. 91 Festiva with a manual trans.

  • #2
    is it ticking like a solenoid on and off, and what kind of noise? Maybe it is fusible link related..

    -"Hairlipstiva" 1991 GL 5spd (swapped from an auto), rolling on Enkei 14x6 +38 with 195/45/14 Toyo's, Jensen MP5720 CD deck, tach install, LED strip in cluster, down position rear wiper, FMS springs, Gabriel shocks on 4 corners, Acura Integra short shifter
    -Escort GT 91 donor car with BP, G5M-R tranny to be dropped in the little guy...
    -Aspire brake swap COMPLETE!


    • #3
      It is ticking like a solenoid, but it most definantly the relay contacts because when I finally dug it out from behind the wire loom I could feel it also.


      • #4
        sounds like a bad relay then... i think its the headlight relay.. but don't know for sure.

        -"Hairlipstiva" 1991 GL 5spd (swapped from an auto), rolling on Enkei 14x6 +38 with 195/45/14 Toyo's, Jensen MP5720 CD deck, tach install, LED strip in cluster, down position rear wiper, FMS springs, Gabriel shocks on 4 corners, Acura Integra short shifter
        -Escort GT 91 donor car with BP, G5M-R tranny to be dropped in the little guy...
        -Aspire brake swap COMPLETE!


        • #5
          I got to thinking that it might be the headlight relay, but why would this keep the car from starting?


          • #6
            oh, if the car isn't starting, its the starter solenoid likely... what i'd do is tap the starter solenoid with a small hammer or something of the like and then try it again... sometimes that solenoid sticks...

            -"Hairlipstiva" 1991 GL 5spd (swapped from an auto), rolling on Enkei 14x6 +38 with 195/45/14 Toyo's, Jensen MP5720 CD deck, tach install, LED strip in cluster, down position rear wiper, FMS springs, Gabriel shocks on 4 corners, Acura Integra short shifter
            -Escort GT 91 donor car with BP, G5M-R tranny to be dropped in the little guy...
            -Aspire brake swap COMPLETE!


            • #7
              The main relay and headlight relay are behind the left headlight. Main relay black wire is ground, blk/wht is 12v in from the eng fuse under steering wheel, wht/blu is 12v in from the egi fuselink, and yel/black is power out to everything (fuel pump relay, injectors, applicable sensors, etc...). Assuming the egi fuselink is good, you can use a jumper wire between the wht/blu wire and yel/blk wire to see if the car will run. If it does, get a new main relay. Also, with the key on, engine off, check for battery voltage at the blue or black/white wire going to the coil. The coil gets its power straight from the ignition switch. Sorry for the novel, hope this helps.
              Last edited by resuwrecked; 03-24-2009, 11:16 AM. Reason: del


              • #8
                I will certainly give it the ol college try.

