I am looking at a master cylinder on ebay. the auctions says its for an 89. Would this fit an 88lx? are the bore sizes the same?
Thank You
In the 90's we had Clinton in office. We also had Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. Now we have Obama in office and we have no Hope and no Cash.
God grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, strength to change what I cannot accept, and wisdom to hide the bodies of those who piss me off!:-) This isNOTan abandoned vehicle
In the 90's we had Clinton in office. We also had Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. Now we have Obama in office and we have no Hope and no Cash.
God grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, strength to change what I cannot accept, and wisdom to hide the bodies of those who piss me off!:-) This isNOTan abandoned vehicle