Ok.. I've had my festy for over 4 years now and it's never let me down. So my wife keeps nagging on me to sell it because she sais that it's too small & dangerous! Anyways, after years of her nagging, I've decided to sell it
So, I listed it on Craigslist the other day (September 12, 2009) for $1150 and I've received plenty of calls on it. Here is the problem.... The first person that came to see the car asked me to start it because he wants to hear the engine run, so I proudly said "no problem" and proceeded to start my "Festarossa".. To my surprise and embarassement, it cranked but would NOT start! I could'nt believe it!! I felt sooooo DUMB!! The guy and his wife were watching me trying to start it like I'm some type of moron or crook but the truth is, this car has NEVER failed me. I tried numerous times to start it with no success. Again, it would crank like it's about to start but would not fully run. So the guy & his wife leave and there I am feeling like a jackass not knowing what the hell just happened. I thought that it was going to be a for sure sale! I looked at my wife and said "I feel so stoupid". Anyhow, I opened my hood and began my journey.. Here is what I've found.. My fuseable link unit/box is badly corroded. As soon as I wobbled a couple of the links, they snapped off like tiny twigs. The prongs that come out of the fuseable link box actually snapped and broke off also because they were so weathered/rusted. Anyhow, I removed the F-link box and had no choice but to snip the wires from the bottom of it. I stripped all the wires nice & clean and picked up some new female connectors and 3 large fuses. One was 25amp, another was 40 amp and the last one was a 50amp. So I attached the female connectors to the snipped & newly stripped wires and connected those the the large fuses. On the other prong of the fuses, I had some thick wire the I also stripped and connected to the female connectors and attached those together and connected everything up nice & neat. I then re-connected my battery and gave it a try. The car cranked and started but then was doing the same thing, it would just shut off after a minute or two of driving like somebody turned the key off. I would crank it back and sometimes it would start and sometimes it would just crank. Before all this happened, the car has cut-off on me a few time here & there while driving, but I would put it in neutral while I was rolling and USUALLY, it would start back up. This problem now that I think of it started about 4 or 5 days ago. My question.. Did I reconnect/fabricate the fuseable link incorrectly?? My fuel pump was replaced less than a year ago. Was/is the problem I'm having or was having because of the fuseable link box being deteriated? Either way, I could'nt leave the link box in the condition it was and sell it to someone, that just would be dead wrong! I have a number of people that want to look at this car to possibly buy it but I can't show it to them if it's still doing this. This car has been so reliable to me in the past and I have put a lot of $$ and time into it. Heck, it's even got a remote start!! By the was, it's a 1991 automatic. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.. -Steve 
