My heater puts out warm air only and it seems to cycle between warm and luke warm.
I flushed the heater core by removing both hoses and turned the garden hose in the core. There was no trash or sediment expelled, I.E., clean.
It seems to take about 2-3 miles of driving before you can get any heat out of the heater and then it is just luke warm.
So, I pull the thermostat. It's an OEM style. Temp rating stamped on it says 85-88C which is roughly 185-190*F.
I'd also add, the thermostat was rotated 90* clockwise from where it was supposed to be.
I drop the thermostat in the pan on the stove for a check. No thermometer but the water had to come to a full boil to open the main port opened up. It was difficult to tell when the small one opened but it opened just a tiny bit at about the same temp.
Any idea why no real heat out of my heater? The engine never appears to overheat, lose coolant and the cooling fan runs very little.
Called the Ford dealer today, they want $31/change for a thermostat. Mazda wanted about $36. FWIW, neither place showed much interest in getting the part either. If I hadn't had the part number, I likely wouldn't even have gotten a price.
My heater puts out warm air only and it seems to cycle between warm and luke warm.
I flushed the heater core by removing both hoses and turned the garden hose in the core. There was no trash or sediment expelled, I.E., clean.
It seems to take about 2-3 miles of driving before you can get any heat out of the heater and then it is just luke warm.
So, I pull the thermostat. It's an OEM style. Temp rating stamped on it says 85-88C which is roughly 185-190*F.
I'd also add, the thermostat was rotated 90* clockwise from where it was supposed to be.
I drop the thermostat in the pan on the stove for a check. No thermometer but the water had to come to a full boil to open the main port opened up. It was difficult to tell when the small one opened but it opened just a tiny bit at about the same temp.
Any idea why no real heat out of my heater? The engine never appears to overheat, lose coolant and the cooling fan runs very little.
Called the Ford dealer today, they want $31/change for a thermostat. Mazda wanted about $36. FWIW, neither place showed much interest in getting the part either. If I hadn't had the part number, I likely wouldn't even have gotten a price.