Went to start my festiva...the lights on the dash showed up turned the key to the run position and nothing
...it has done this a few times to me but i just put it in neutral and it would start but tonight it wouldnt come out of park...any ideas???? by the way tonight it was raining which ended up freezing dont know if that takes a part in my problem the engine wont turn over at all....
Plus my car will be in the drive postion and i can slip into neutral without pushing the shifter button is this normal??? sometimes i think it kinda jumps into neutral...the engine reves but doesnt pull but appears to be in drive....so i put in neutral then back in drive and its back to normal....

Plus my car will be in the drive postion and i can slip into neutral without pushing the shifter button is this normal??? sometimes i think it kinda jumps into neutral...the engine reves but doesnt pull but appears to be in drive....so i put in neutral then back in drive and its back to normal....