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Hmmm what should I test next...

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  • Hmmm what should I test next...

    I'm still having the idle problem on my 94 aspire even though i've replaced the IAC. But it isn't near as bad, and sometimes it doesn't do it at all. Revs up/down at idle normally 2-3 times then levels out, sometimes though it doesn't at all, or revs constantly. I haven't replaced the dist. cap or rotor yet, but to me this might also be a TPS sensor. With this problem and the way this engine sounds.. should of bit the bullet and used a b6, b6d or bp and got it over with. Anyways anybody think of what part could be the cause??
    91 rusty Festiva 260k

  • #2
    idles irraticaly but is smooth thruought the rest of the rev range right? used to have the same problem....couldnt find out what it was so i adjusted my throttle cable to bump the idle up about 200 rpm....idles slightly higher than normal but never stalls out now....
    90 L FI..second B3
    90 L Parts car


    • #3
      Mine does this too, especially noticable now that I've got a tach. I have manually (eg, with my foot) increased the idle... the "normal" idle is very rough. It has some other problems (for instance, cyl 4 misfires a lot) but would this be a like, "acceptable" way of fixing the rough idle?

      how does one adjust the throttle cable?


      • #4
        Well sometimes it's smooth, when it's going to mess up it starts to run rough. As far as that 4 cyl. misfires I've read on here or somewhere else that a new igntion coil is in order or cleaning the connectors to the coil. I don't know what you would consider to be the coil though.
        91 rusty Festiva 260k


        • #5
          Originally posted by ericsmith32
          Well sometimes it's smooth, when it's going to mess up it starts to run rough. As far as that 4 cyl. misfires I've read on here or somewhere else that a new igntion coil is in order or cleaning the connectors to the coil. I don't know what you would consider to be the coil though.
          yeah I've read that too, unfortunately. Looks like I'll need to find a source for one of those


          • #6
            If I knew what the part was, there's four aspires that I know would have them. Somehow they there's a major attraction for the suspensions but all of the engines have been untouched. If it's the part I looked up it's $100 something new.
            91 rusty Festiva 260k


            • #7
              I tested the TPS and it tested good 0.57 at idle. 4.95 at wot. I cleaned the maf and whatever else those sensor are in the airbox and set the idle speed down a notch, but i'm sure it's not low enough yet. Still does the 2 revs after letting off the gas, could the high idle be the culprit?? Also would anybody off the top of their head know how to check the idle speed?? I have a multi-meter with the rpm function. The way that the haynes manual describes caused a main fuse to blow. Also would Autozone be able to pull codes off of this 94 aspire?? I hate going to those stores but as far as I know that the only auto parts stores that pulls codes. This rev problem does seem to hurt my fuel economy and make everybody want to race me. It tested my patience last night and I tried to blow it up I guess a chevy impala thought I was racing - wasn't able to pass me till 50 and I had 1/4 to 1/2 cars length the whole time - sorta surprised me that I could beat anything with this car. I guess i'm to used my beloved festiva.
              91 rusty Festiva 260k


              • #8
                actually sounds like a vacuum leak. did you propane the intake?
                Jim DeAngelis

                kittens give Morbo gas!!

                Bright Blue 93 GL (1.6 8v, 5spd) (Hula-Baloo)
                Performance Red 94 Aspire SE (Stimpson)


                • #9
                  Propane the intake?? Never heard of that process.. so nope. I did have a extra elbow curved hose thingy I could never figure out where it went. I guess I ought to check that out before I mess with it anymore.
                  91 rusty Festiva 260k


                  • #10
                    pretty easy process. use a small propane torch, slip a piece of clear vinyl hose (Home Depot, Lowes) over the torch end and turn on the gas at a low flow. use a scan tool or digital meter (no analog, frys the ego) to watch the ego (hego, o2, oxygen) sensor. pass the hose around the intake, near the head, hose connections, anywear you might suspect a vacuum leak. if there is a leak, the engine will suck in the propane instead of air, the idle speed will pick up a bit, and the ego sensor will show rich (voltage reading of near 1.0 volt)
                    Jim DeAngelis

                    kittens give Morbo gas!!

                    Bright Blue 93 GL (1.6 8v, 5spd) (Hula-Baloo)
                    Performance Red 94 Aspire SE (Stimpson)


                    • #11
                      A can or carb cleaner sprayed around the area will also help detect a leak , it will help pin point it, and will raise the idle speed and smooth out when you find it .
                      The Trigger - Midwest Festiva Inc., Illinois Chapter
                      Smart Passion white with H-D interior
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                      Pro Street S-10
                      Diamond white Deville 27,000 mile cream puff
                      Z28 LS1 power 500 +
                      90 Festy L daily driver wants to be modded, OK
                      It is being modded , a little at a time

                      Join me on Facebook !! ;


                      • #12
                        Andrew asked:

                        "How does one adjust the throttle cable?"

                        I recall seeing a description of that procedure in my Chilton's 323/Protege book. The throttle cable goes from underneath your ATX to the top of your accelerator circle. It's that thing I thought was "cruise control": an extra accel cable.

                        Apparently, Festiva automatics don't have one, but maybe Aspires do?

                        '93GL "Prettystiva" ticking B3 and 5 speed, backup DD; full swaps in spring!
                        '91L "AquaMutt" my '91L; B6 swap/5 speed & Aspire brakes, DD/work car
                        '92L "Twinstiva" 5sp, salvage titled, waiting for repairs...
                        '93GL "Luxstiva," '94 B6 engine & ATX; needs overhauled
                        '89L "Muttstiva," now a storage bin, future trailer project


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Safety Guy
                          Andrew asked:

                          "How does one adjust the throttle cable?"

                          I recall seeing a description of that procedure in my Chilton's 323/Protege book. The throttle cable goes from underneath your ATX to the top of your accelerator circle. It's that thing I thought was "cruise control": an extra accel cable.

                          Apparently, Festiva automatics don't have one, but maybe Aspires do?

                          I've got manual trans :-/ I do know where the throttle cable connects to the top of the engine though... i guess that's the throttle body. there's at least one screw around that area, once i get my hands on another repair manual i'll look into that (mine was killed by pepsi+freezing+mold)


                          • #14
                            Andrew, the accelerator cable and the throttle cable are not the same.

                            The accelerator cable connects your TB to your foot.

                            The throttle cable connects some of the innards of an ATX with your TB. I don't know exactly why it exists or what it does though. Perhaps it replaces the vacuum line that is on the Festiva ATX? Maybe larger ATXs need a better system? I can only guess. Maybe someone else who knows the answer will let us know!

                            '93GL "Prettystiva" ticking B3 and 5 speed, backup DD; full swaps in spring!
                            '91L "AquaMutt" my '91L; B6 swap/5 speed & Aspire brakes, DD/work car
                            '92L "Twinstiva" 5sp, salvage titled, waiting for repairs...
                            '93GL "Luxstiva," '94 B6 engine & ATX; needs overhauled
                            '89L "Muttstiva," now a storage bin, future trailer project


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Safety Guy
                              Andrew, the accelerator cable and the throttle cable are not the same.

                              The accelerator cable connects your TB to your foot.

                              The throttle cable connects some of the innards of an ATX with your TB. I don't know exactly why it exists or what it does though. Perhaps it replaces the vacuum line that is on the Festiva ATX? Maybe larger ATXs need a better system? I can only guess. Maybe someone else who knows the answer will let us know!

                              oh well that's weird then heh. I need to go back to flipping through repair manuals whilst on the john again

                              Did you know that the chilton's guide for the aspire mistakenly refers to the coolant recovery tank as the windshield washer tank at least once?

