Pics of the repair to the plastic motor housing tabs I did.
I cleaned the tab area good with denatured alcohol and the aluminum piece I made to form a new tab(see pics). I then sanded the tab area and alum. piece with medium sand paper. Then cleaned all again, then used 5 minute epoxy to glue the alum. piece on in place of the tab. I made the alum. piece long on top for more glue surface area. Kinda can see the length of the alum. piece from the slihgtly blurred close up pic.

I cleaned the tab area good with denatured alcohol and the aluminum piece I made to form a new tab(see pics). I then sanded the tab area and alum. piece with medium sand paper. Then cleaned all again, then used 5 minute epoxy to glue the alum. piece on in place of the tab. I made the alum. piece long on top for more glue surface area. Kinda can see the length of the alum. piece from the slihgtly blurred close up pic.
