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Runs but don't drive

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  • Runs but don't drive

    Ok so this morning I was already late to work and she didn't want to drive she idled fine when i started her and when I went to back out of my parking space she conked out and sputtered and I thought she was just cold so I got her to f
    go and in high rpms she runs but there's no in between...its weird she ran fine last night. I changed the fuel filter, and that didn't fix her any ideas

    She's a 88 carbed festiva L

  • #2
    Did you set the e-brake last night? It might be stuck on you.
    The normal is not always normal... MOST is not ALL... And any job can be hard if you don't have the right tools!!!

    My Fleet:
    89 L 4spd (Daily Driver(if it isn't broke down)) "Spanky"


    • #3
      It's not the ebrake I think it's the carb for reason just don't know anything about carbs it's also been tripping lately like when the car is cold and I drive her she runs like a champ and when she's warm she sputters a bit in low rpms


      • #4
        check the distributor cap for moisture

        I am the original


        • #5
          Low on punctuation maybe?


          • #6
            Famous Last Words: "How hard can it be?"


            • #7
              Please forgive me if I submit a link to something I wrote the other day. Frankly, since I find myself giving this advice so often, I am getting tired of typing it out. Don't feel bad if you decide not to act on it. The last guy just stopped responding after he read what follows.

              Post your Festiva or Aspire repair and maintenance issues. - USE THIS FORUM FOR ANY TECHNICAL RELATED POST (IE. How do I change my oil?, How to remove axle from tranny?, etc)

              John Gunn
              Coronado, CA
              John Gunn
              Coronado, CA

              Improving anything
              Improves everything. Copyright 2011 John Gunn


              • #8
                Originally posted by JohnGunn View Post
                Please forgive me if I submit a link to something I wrote the other day. Frankly, since I find myself giving this advice so often, I am getting tired of typing it out. Don't feel bad if you decide not to act on it. The last guy just stopped responding after he read what follows.

                Post your Festiva or Aspire repair and maintenance issues. - USE THIS FORUM FOR ANY TECHNICAL RELATED POST (IE. How do I change my oil?, How to remove axle from tranny?, etc)

                John Gunn
                Coronado, CA
                cool thanks ill try that where do i get some ngk wires?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SiC sEnSe View Post
                  cool thanks ill try that where do i get some ngk wires?
                  Go back and reread the message that my link takes you to. There is no mention of wires. I was referring only to NGK spark plugs which you can buy at AutoZone for around $10.

                  I know many people advise replacing the wires as well, but I have never had to replace them on my '90 Festiva with 181,000 miles and counting. I'm sure it must have helped people in the past,but how can I offer that advice when I have never personally experienced the benefit of it?

                  Good to find someone so willing to take my advice. But, you should know, there is a risk in being so willing.

                  I think what I have suggested is the best thing you could do, but others might disagree with me and advise you to do something else. In the end, you should filter all suggestions through your own understanding and experience.

                  But, what if you don't have much experience in a subject? You should, nevertheless, be conscious of the fact that the decision is yours to make, and make it yourself after thoughtful deliberation. And it's perfectly alright to say, "I don't know why, but this course of action feels better to me." As you gain experience your feelings about things will gradually become more and more refined. If you choose to follow this path, eventually you will arrive at the place where every decision you make will be guided by the sum total of all your past experience. I would call that wisdom.

                  Always remember, no one, neither mother, father, priest, doctor, teacher, etc., etc., has as much to gain or loose from your decisions as you yourself. If any of these "respected" figures of authority gives you bad advice, they have only to say, "I'm sorry." as they go on about their lives as if nothing has happened. While you are stuck paying the bills and cleaning up the damage their bad advice has brought.

                  But there is an even more important reason for accepting this responsibility. For only by doing so are you able to grow into the unique, special person you are.

                  We all start out life helpless and ignorant. We depend on others for our every need. It is only natural, as you mature, that you continue this reliance on the advice of others, but at some point your attitude has to change if you are to fully realize your own potential. You will never find that following the advice of anyone, but yourself.

                  So, we all start out life by looking outside ourselves for help and guidance. And most of us end life that same way, trapped as the ball in a living pinball game. The only ones who escape that trap are the ones who, for whatever reason, decide that they will trust their own powers and start accepting the ultimate responsibility for the course their life takes.

                  It is easy to tell if someone has made this important transition. Just ask them what they think about something important. If they immediately respond with a great sense of certainty, by telling you what someone else has said or written, they are still caught in the game. And it really doesn't matter who they reference. Jesus, Budda, Einstein, Plato, or God, its all the same. Just different bumpers.

                  On the other hand, if someone answers your important question by pausing to think for a while, before saying, "I'm not sure, but I think...." you just may have found one of these rare exceptions.

                  But what does all this have to do with fixing Festivas? Some would say, "Nothing!" Others might say, "Everything!" That's for you to decide.

                  John Gunn
                  Coronado, CA
                  John Gunn
                  Coronado, CA

                  Improving anything
                  Improves everything. Copyright 2011 John Gunn


                  • #10
                    getting a bit philosophical, aren't we? :p
                    Last edited by FestYboy; 04-21-2010, 08:05 PM. Reason: horrible spelling error
                    Trees aren't kind to me...

                    currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
                    94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by FestYboy View Post
                      getting a bit philosophical, aren't we? :p
                      Yes, I thought as I wrote some of it that it might be offensive to some people. I assume that was the meaning of your comment and the "Razz" emoticon.

                      My intention when I started my response was just to point out that I had said nothing about plug wires. "Good to find someone so willing to take my advice." was intended to be my last line, but before I signed and submitted it, I thought that one could go too far in that direction and wanted to describe the real danger of doing that. From there the thing took on a life of its own.

                      When I write a response, it is addressed only to the person who started the thread and who has a problem. I, frankly, am not too concerned what anyone else may think. I try to make my comments as long as necessary to eliminate any misunderstandings. I realize that is not the norm here, but since I am giving my best effort on behalf of the person with the problem, I can't imagine any such person being offended by the fact that I was too detailed in my comments and would wish that I had said less. I figure if anyone else thinks what I write is too long they can just skip it. That would not disturb me at all.

                      As you may be able to discern, I have completely taken to heart all the philosophical ideas you detected in my previous posting. I try to do what I think is best without too much concern for the norms and pressures of expected behavior. I suppose if enough people expressed displeasure with my approach I would eventually go somewhere else where people would accept me without feeling the need to reign me in.

                      All that being said, I can see how someone might try and use a forum like this to sneak in some of their personal beliefs which had nothing to do with helping someone with a Festiva problem. I don't think I did that, but I can appreciate that someone who disagreed with my ideas might have a completely different opinion. If someone were to suggest that my problem with a leaking front engine seal might be somehow related to what church I was going to, I would be annoyed, though not offended. I doubt I would send them a "Razz", but probably wouldn't waste my time reading anything they might write in the future. But I would surely allow them to treat me with the same aversion. That seems fair to me.

                      I'll end by saying, I understand how you might object to my comments, and your objection has been noted, and, whether I like it or not, it will surely find a place in the "sum total of all my past experience" which I like to believe guides my future behavior. This should give you at least some degree of comfort.

                      John Gunn
                      Coronado, CA
                      Last edited by JohnGunn; 04-22-2010, 02:19 AM.
                      John Gunn
                      Coronado, CA

                      Improving anything
                      Improves everything. Copyright 2011 John Gunn


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by JohnGunn View Post
                        Yes, I thought as I wrote some of it that it might be offensive to some people. I assume that was the meaning of your comment and the "Razz" emoticon.

                        actually, not at all offensive. i thought it was well stated and thoroughly expressed your position and view. i dont' think enough ppl do that personally (or are allowed to).
                        Nore was i dissagreeing (sp) with you as you noted both sides of the coin about taking advice and how it affects (or should affect) the end user. i don't think i could have stated it better.

                        the real reason for the statement was just a poke at what could have been a short and sweet answer, went on to be a potential life lesson, and the "razz" was there to indicate sarcasm (i wasn't serious, nore offended).

                        that being said, i would like to note that in today's society, most people are looking for simple, direct answers and will tend to skim over or flat out ignore a complete, precise and informative answer with explination as to why said answer is correct. this is an unfortunate downfall of what our society as a whole has become. quick and easy beats knowlege (kind of explains our failing school systems).

                        i could go on, but i'm affraid it would turn into a rant about our country and the state that it's in, so i'll end here.
                        Trees aren't kind to me...

                        currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
                        94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


                        • #13
                          Sorry for my misunderstanding. I confess "Razz" was a new word for me. But it sounded enough like "Razzies," the opposite of the Oscars in the movie business, to make me assume the worst.

                          Reassured that my worst fears were unfounded and that I am still welcome among those who admire this beautifully designed automobile as much as I do.

                          John Gunn
                          Coronado, CA
                          John Gunn
                          Coronado, CA

                          Improving anything
                          Improves everything. Copyright 2011 John Gunn


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Ok so i got her running :headbang: its kind of weird i did end up buying new plugs but didnt use them. I went to check the distributor cap for a crack, took it off and found dark oil sitting in the cap. i cleaned the oil off the cap and oil that was on the distributor it self. Why would the cap have oil in it?? or how would it have had oil in it? The cap looked fine with no cracks, I put everything back on and started her up. She runs better then before which is a bit weird but im happy. I'm only wondering how the oil got in there when i changed all that when i tuned her up(new cap and rotor, new plugs,wires)

