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won't pass e test

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  • won't pass e test

    so i took my festiva for a etest and it failed.
    did some looking around no vac leaks cats new found a broken wire on the rad fan sen hooked that5 back up and the car started to run a lower r.p.m
    thought that was it.
    took it back today and it was worse it failed on them all
    but i am out of ideas
    u guys have any tips
    thanks for the help
    the heart beat of america stops here______________/\

  • #2
    Originally posted by mikeycar500 View Post
    u guys have any tips
    Yes, use some punctuation.

    BPT, G5M-R, BP26 Exintake swap + Fidanza cam gear, NSRT4 FMIC + 2.5" piping, HKS SSQV BOV, Exedy clutch, 3" downpipe + 2" all the way back, Aspire brake swap, KYB GR-2 & FMS coil spring , FMS EURO body kit + Carbon fiber hood, Falcon RTX 15X6½ + Toyo proxes T1R 195/45R15


    • #3
      What kind of car do you have. That may help people to help you. I had to replace my 02 sensor before mine would pass. Also a little trick i did, take a half cup of bleach and spray it in your rear tail pipe to clean out any black carbon you may have built up in there. Cant tell you anymore until you put type car you have.
      Thom-Lifes too short, don't blink
      93 Festiva (Little Red Truck)
      01 F-150 (Big Red Truck)


      • #4
        I would take it to a shop and have them test the O2 sensor to see if its working probably and start from there, or pay the E-test shop to do a diagnostics test (might be expensive but still cheaper then buying un-needed parts) so you know exactly whats wrong

        I had a festiva fail once, i did a diagnostics test and they said just an exhaust leak in front of the cat caused it to fail

        1988 323 Station Wagon - KLG4 swapped
        1988 323 GT - B6T Powered
        2008 Ford Escape - Rollover Survivor

        1990 Festiva - First Ever Completed KLZE swap (SOLD)

        If no one from the future stops you from doing it, how bad of a decision can it really be?


        • #5
          Ntirogen means the EGR valve needs cleaning. Look here to see how I did it
          Web hosting and free web hosting from Build your website with our easy webpage builder, web tools, web services, and free website content.

          Hydrocarbons are often the catalytic converter. It's supposed to burn them off. However if there are a lot of them the problem is in the combustion, eg spark, air/fuel mix, ect. Usually you do a tuneup before getting a car tested.
          Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


          • #6
            Originally posted by mikeycar500 View Post
            so i took my festiva for a etest and it failed.
            did some looking around no vac leaks cats new found a broken wire on the rad fan sen hooked that5 back up and the car started to run a lower r.p.m
            thought that was it.
            took it back today and it was worse it failed on them all
            but i am out of ideas
            u guys have any tips
            thanks for the help
            no way to tell you anything without knowing the results of your test. Help us help you.....cough up some info.
            "FLTG4LIFE" @FINALLEVEL , "PBH"
            89L Silver EFI auto
            91GL Green Auto DD
            There ain't no rest for the wicked
            until we close our eyes for good.
            I will sleep when I die!
            I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. I've got four wheels and a running board, I'm not a Chevy, I'M A FORD!


            • #7
              Originally posted by WmWatt View Post
              Ntirogen means the EGR valve needs cleaning. Look here to see how I did it
              Web hosting and free web hosting from Build your website with our easy webpage builder, web tools, web services, and free website content.

              thanks i am going to try that

              GenevaDirt;331098]no way to tell you anything without knowing the results of your test. Help us help you.....cough up some info.
              sorry this is my frist time asking for help on here it failed on them all.
              the frist time only failed on the idle

              sorry if all the info is not up here if u need anymore ask i will put it up.
              thanks again
              Last edited by mikeycar500; 05-02-2010, 05:57 PM.
              the heart beat of america stops here______________/\


              • #8
                Originally posted by mikeycar500 View Post
                sorry this is my frist time asking for help on here it failed on them all.
                the frist time only failed on the idle

                sorry if all the info is not up here if u need anymore ask i will put it up.
                thanks again
                did they give you a print out...if so can you post it? if not...what are the actual numbers on it.

                There are people here that can help you ,most likely, but just saying it failed does not help. They need to see where and by how much.
                "FLTG4LIFE" @FINALLEVEL , "PBH"
                89L Silver EFI auto
                91GL Green Auto DD
                There ain't no rest for the wicked
                until we close our eyes for good.
                I will sleep when I die!
                I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. I've got four wheels and a running board, I'm not a Chevy, I'M A FORD!


                • #9
                  frist test

                  limit reading result
                  Hc ppm 89 46 pass
                  co% 0.51 0.32 pass
                  no ppm 708 591 pass
                  rpm 2893
                  dilution 15.4

                  curb idle test

                  limit reading result
                  hc ppm 200 256 fail
                  co% 1.00 1.48 fail
                  noppm - - -
                  rpm 1184
                  dilution 15.4

                  second test

                  limit reading result
                  hc ppm 89 179 fail
                  co% 0.51 0.61 fail
                  no ppm 708 2530 fail
                  rpm 1960
                  dilution 14.6

                  curb idle test
                  limit reading result
                  hc ppm 200 381 fail
                  co% 0.51 0.61 fail
                  no ppm - - -
                  rpm 726
                  dilution 15.3

                  that is both of the tests
                  the heart beat of america stops here______________/\


                  • #10
                    there ya I am sure there may be more questions....but you gave us the ammo to try and help.

                    I am sure there will be some responses soon.
                    "FLTG4LIFE" @FINALLEVEL , "PBH"
                    89L Silver EFI auto
                    91GL Green Auto DD
                    There ain't no rest for the wicked
                    until we close our eyes for good.
                    I will sleep when I die!
                    I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. I've got four wheels and a running board, I'm not a Chevy, I'M A FORD!


                    • #11
                      The Ontario government puts prints guides on what to do if the car fails. You should be able to pick them up where the car was tested.

                      Definitely clean the EGR valve. The hydrocarbons aren't bad. A tuneup and chemical cleaner might do the trick. Also wipe all the ignition wires, cap, and rotor with a clean rag.
                      Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


                      • #12
                        run your tank down really low put a gallon of fuel injector cleaner in it and should pass with flying colors. Used to do this in Delaware when I lived there.

                        Has caught the most Festivas on Fire on this board!!

