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Big Ty is stranded (FESTY DOWN!)

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  • Big Ty is stranded (FESTY DOWN!)

    Just got a call from him. Hes on the Ohio turnpike about 40 miles west of cleveland and the festy has stranded him. He says it just kinda lost power in gear and he dropped it down to 4th trying to keep it alive but it just died when he went to neutral. He waited a minute and started it again and got it to a parking lot where it died again.

    Sounds like he had spark but maybe its running out of fuel?

    Edit- Hes here

    Last edited by bhazard; 06-16-2010, 05:54 AM.
    91GL BP/F3A with boost
    13.79 @ 100, 2.2 60' on 8 psi and 155R12's

  • #2
    I guess it will idle and rev up fine. Hes afraid to try going anywhere. Sounds like it craps out when theres a load on the engine. Weak fuel pump?

    His wife is on the way but he would hate to leave the car...
    91GL BP/F3A with boost
    13.79 @ 100, 2.2 60' on 8 psi and 155R12's


    • #3
      Clogged fuel filter?
      90 Festy (Larry)--B6M (Matt D. modified B6 head), header, 5-speed, Capri XR2 front brakes, many other little mods
      09 Kia Rondo--a Festy on steroids!

      You can avoid reality, but you can't avoid the consequences of avoiding reality--Ayn Rand

      Disaster preparedness

      Tragedy and Drudge Report.....Founding

      Think for yourself.....question all everything you think you know. Red-pill yourself!


      • #4
        I'll second and third a clogged fuel filter, it will stop you dead.


        • #5
          I thought either that or dying pump...maybe the sock on the pump.

          His wife should have gotten him to his destination by now and member lessersivad was on his way to trailer the car.
          91GL BP/F3A with boost
          13.79 @ 100, 2.2 60' on 8 psi and 155R12's


          • #6
            bhazard, I appreciate you getting the word out to the festiva community.
            I have been on numerous rescue missions myself.
            But, without contact with this site something easily remedied could be over looked or a person local to the event might never know he/she could have helped.

            Two things I have been pushing for:

            1) A parts "train" to move parts between our dispersed members

            2) A network of members that can help in a "festiva down" situation.

            If this does turn out to be a clogged filter/crud in the tank issue, I think we all need to take the time to pull the pump/sender assembly and inspect and clean our tanks. Even if you just open the drain plug when your low on fuel to see what's in the bottom of your tank.
            Our cars have been "in the environment" for nearly 20 years and over that span of time water and crud accumulate in the tanks. Vehicles which have sat unused for long periods of time are especially prone to crud buildup. And the use 10% ETOH in the gasoline only makes the problem worse.

            Once again thanks for keeping us informed.
            Last edited by Pu241; 06-16-2010, 10:37 PM.
            '93 Blue 5spd 230K(down for clutch and overall maintanence)
            '93 White B6 swap thanks to Skeeters Keeper
            '92 Aqua parts Car
            '93 Turquoise 5spd 137K
            '90 White LX Thanks to FB71

            "Your God of repentance will not save you.
            Your holy ghost will not save you.
            Your God plutonium will not save you.
            In fact...
            ...You will not be saved!"

            Prince of Darkness -1987


            • #7
              Experienced a clogged fuel pump strainer last night and it looked like some one melted it and curled it up and then dipped it in the mud. Crud in the tanks is a very serious issue folks. Keep em clean...

              Has caught the most Festivas on Fire on this board!!


              • #8
                Interesting, I might have to run mine out and drain it sometime. Ill probably have to upgrade the pump anyway. Im running a stock capri pump, which Im pretty sure is the same as a festy pump.

                Do we have a member map anywhere?

                Edit - this looks like it could work for a member map if we dont have one

                Last edited by bhazard; 06-16-2010, 10:51 AM.
                91GL BP/F3A with boost
                13.79 @ 100, 2.2 60' on 8 psi and 155R12's


                • #9
                  Well I just nicely got in the door about 1/2 ago. Tyler called approx.
                  7:50 A.M. Time I looked up directions, plotted my route, hooked up the trailer and gassed up the Suburban it was approx. 9:30.

                  Arrived at the point of stranded Festy 11:45 A.M. Grabbed a quick sandwich and pop at the store Festy was sitting at, loaded onto trailer, and back on the road at 12:15.

                  Delivered Festy to Tyler's house and made it home approx. 3:30.

                  Took delivery of a part for a 1998 Explorer, installed part, and delivered Explorer to owner.

                  Kinda long day but not bad. Just glad where he parked the Festy was a nice family owned party store. Friendly people.


                  • #10
                    Always nice to keep busy for a day and maybe make a few bucks in the process though.
                    91GL BP/F3A with boost
                    13.79 @ 100, 2.2 60' on 8 psi and 155R12's


                    • #11
                      Lessersivad gets the Festy Hero of the Day award!
                      90 Festy (Larry)--B6M (Matt D. modified B6 head), header, 5-speed, Capri XR2 front brakes, many other little mods
                      09 Kia Rondo--a Festy on steroids!

                      You can avoid reality, but you can't avoid the consequences of avoiding reality--Ayn Rand

                      Disaster preparedness

                      Tragedy and Drudge Report.....Founding

                      Think for yourself.....question all everything you think you know. Red-pill yourself!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bhazard View Post
                        Always nice to keep busy for a day and maybe make a few bucks in the process though.
                        Simply gas and tolls.


                        • #13
                          Glad the driver, car, and tow man made it to their final destinations unharmed.

                          Has caught the most Festivas on Fire on this board!!


                          • #14
                            If I knew I would have helped him out!

                            We should set up a Festiva Amber Alert system!


                            • #15
                              Well thanks everyone for your help and thoughts! I made it to my class and even though I was 3 hours late still scored 100% on the test. My wife and daughter got to go to the Cleveland zoo and then we stopped at Fathead Brewing and got some dinner and I grabbed a beer of course, lol. So even though it was a long and semi-stressful day everything worked out.

                              I second the motion to have some kind of festy rescue list of members names, locations, and mobile numbers. I would just print it off and put it in my glove box. Maybe we should do it on a hidden part of the forum in case a spammer or something logs into the site though. I wouldn't want my number being abused. Just a thought.

                              1993 Festiva L, aspire swapped, selling parts for a BP+T build.

