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festiva barely running

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  • festiva barely running

    my festiva was running awesome.. and i decided to wash the engine bay. i covered the alternator, distributor and msd with plastic bags. i hosed it down using simple green as a degreaser and wiped everything down with a rag.

    when i started my car the idle seemed sorta rough and it would shut off if i revved it

    i looked inside the plug holes. i guess water ran in while i was washing it i tried letting it evaporate over the next couple days but it didnt seem to be working, so i pulled the plugs out letting that greasy water down into the cylinder and i turned the engine over a few times to blow it out the top of the cyclinder.

    i put all the spark plugs back in (which were very greasy and gross) and started it. it idles better but didnt seem to rev quite right. i took it for a spin around the block, thinking it might just need driven a little, it would just cut out and come back on harder than ever when i accelerated. like a very strong hesitation.

    i bought new plugs and replaced them. while i was doing this i pulled the dizzy cover off (in case it got wet) so it could dry out. it looked fine, but i let it sit overnight.

    today i put the new plugs in, and put the dizzy cap back on. i started it and now its completely different. it sounds like a v8 with a huge cam in it. it puts and sputter, much worse than before, and it only revs with slight throttle. large amounts of throttle kill it.

    sooo. whats next? maybe my plug wires are screwed up? but why did changing the plugs make it worse?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Ghost View Post

    i looked inside the plug holes. i guess water ran in while i was washing it i tried letting it evaporate over the next couple days but it didnt seem to be working, so i pulled the plugs out letting that greasy water down into the cylinder and i turned the engine over a few times to blow it out the top of the cyclinder.

    Wow... Seems like a bad idea. Next time try to use some compressed air to blow out (not in) any standing water left. At least use a wet/dry vacuum!

    Did you spray some kind of water dispersant (e.g., WD40) on the distributor cap/rotor and the VAF plug? Are the spark plug wires in the correct order? I would double check that too.


    • #3
      i could have blown the water out but it wouldnt have gotten it all. it really wasnt that much to begin. just enough to get the end of the boot wet. and theres no way a vac would fit down into that little hole.

      spark plug wires are in the right order. i sprayed wd40 on the dizzy cap. didnt help
      Last edited by Ghost; 11-23-2010, 05:48 PM.


      • #4
        Thats odd, I've power washed festiva engines with nothing covered and haven't had a problem.
        The H.A.M.B.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ghost View Post
          i... and theres no way a vac would fit down into that little hole.

          You can always use a smaller tube attached to the end of the vacuum hose. Works every time.
          Good luck fixing your festy.


          • #6
            100psi from an air gun will take care of any standing water, even in a plug hole.

            Funny thing is I can wash my B6T down and nearly fill the plug holes and it will still run great.
            91GL BP/F3A with boost
            13.79 @ 100, 2.2 60' on 8 psi and 155R12's


            • #7
              Originally posted by bhazard View Post
              100psi from an air gun will take care of any standing water, even in a plug hole.



              • #8
                Originally posted by red stiva View Post
                Thats odd, I've power washed festiva engines with nothing covered and haven't had a problem.
                sorry i didnt clarify its a bp+t

                next time i will try air pressure. but im sure that isnt what is causing my problem.

                im looking for possible solutions/things to check


                • #9
                  Plug holes and plugs... plug wires, inside the ends. Distributor, under the cap, in the plug wire holes, coil.... you really just need to blow everything you can out with an air gun. All the electrical connections and such.
                  91GL BP/F3A with boost
                  13.79 @ 100, 2.2 60' on 8 psi and 155R12's


                  • #10
                    give me a call, i'll come give you a hand tomorrow night.
                    Trees aren't kind to me...

                    currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
                    94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


                    • #11
                      plug wires soaked
                      "FLTG4LIFE" @FINALLEVEL , "PBH"
                      89L Silver EFI auto
                      91GL Green Auto DD
                      There ain't no rest for the wicked
                      until we close our eyes for good.
                      I will sleep when I die!
                      I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. I've got four wheels and a running board, I'm not a Chevy, I'M A FORD!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by red stiva View Post
                        Thats odd, I've power washed festiva engines with nothing covered and haven't had a problem.
                        +1. The only thing I did was pull the battery, power wash the engine, roll the car out of the bay, and reinstall the battery. Didn't wrap or cover anything.

                        Dumb thieves go to prison, smart ones go to work for the Government.

                        1988 L - 232K miles Batstiva
                        1989 L - 247K miles Slick
                        1990 L - 281K miles Orphan Annie
                        Let the hoarding begin!! :mrgreen:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GenevaDirt View Post
                          plug wires soaked
                          thats what im thinking. going to get new wires now. if that doesnt work, im giving arty a call


                          • #14
                            found the problem

                            Last edited by Ghost; 11-24-2010, 05:20 PM.


                            • #15
                              91GL BP/F3A with boost
                              13.79 @ 100, 2.2 60' on 8 psi and 155R12's

