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Cleaning fuel injectors...

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  • Cleaning fuel injectors...

    I may be sending my B6 injectors to a local shop to get cleaned. In the meantime, I found these vids on DIY cleaning:

    I discovered an injector cleaning vid here on youtube, so I thought I'd make one specifically for XJ owners and the popular 703 swap.

    Replacing pintle caps: Fuel injector rebuild kit: pintle cap installation, fuel injector ultrasonic cleaning and flow testing service.

    Filter installation:

    Looks like a special vise clamp area was made for this.

    And finally, a "garage made injector cleaner":

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    The guy was just tapping the wire end onto a battery terminal!

    I doubt I will construct any of these methods anytime soon, but they do show you that we may be able to do more work than we thought.

    Comments? Do you think these vids could be misleading or harmful to parts? IMO, it looks to me that if you made the effort, you could do quite a bit with well made apparatus and probably do a pretty thorough job of it.

    The local place (Hite in Columbus) charges $24 each for four injectors and $20 each for eight. I'll probably scrape together eight, since that would do Aqua and Luxstiva's B6s.

    Last edited by Safety Guy; 01-17-2011, 01:28 PM.
    '93GL "Prettystiva" ticking B3 and 5 speed, backup DD; full swaps in spring!
    '91L "AquaMutt" my '91L; B6 swap/5 speed & Aspire brakes, DD/work car
    '92L "Twinstiva" 5sp, salvage titled, waiting for repairs...
    '93GL "Luxstiva," '94 B6 engine & ATX; needs overhauled
    '89L "Muttstiva," now a storage bin, future trailer project

  • #2
    Love the comment "there is fart at 30 seconds" on the last you tube video....... hahahaha!
    My Whips:


    • #3
      Wybnrml wrote in my AquaMutt build thread that Perucho had already posted this fuel injector cleaning thread:

      Looks good.


      Aren't our injectors "low impedance?" If so, is a full 12V power supply okay?

      I don't think it would be too difficult to build a four place injector cleaning/measuring/comparing doohickey. You'd need:

      -a frame to hold four injectors, business ends pointing down into cannisters with measuring lines
      -a source of cleaning and/or testing liquid (tank or pressurized can?)
      -wiring to battery, with appropriate switching
      -some kind of timer, possibly hooked into switching unit
      -appropriate tubing and connectors to hook up tightly to injectors

      Comments? Ideas?

      '93GL "Prettystiva" ticking B3 and 5 speed, backup DD; full swaps in spring!
      '91L "AquaMutt" my '91L; B6 swap/5 speed & Aspire brakes, DD/work car
      '92L "Twinstiva" 5sp, salvage titled, waiting for repairs...
      '93GL "Luxstiva," '94 B6 engine & ATX; needs overhauled
      '89L "Muttstiva," now a storage bin, future trailer project


      • #4
        Could someone explain the "fart protocol" and how it helps the process?

        '93GL "Prettystiva" ticking B3 and 5 speed, backup DD; full swaps in spring!
        '91L "AquaMutt" my '91L; B6 swap/5 speed & Aspire brakes, DD/work car
        '92L "Twinstiva" 5sp, salvage titled, waiting for repairs...
        '93GL "Luxstiva," '94 B6 engine & ATX; needs overhauled
        '89L "Muttstiva," now a storage bin, future trailer project


        • #5
          The sudden burst of gases helps the finishing process to purge the cleaning fluid out of the lines........
          My Whips:


          • #6
            Thats just me but theres plenny of companies (even on ebay) that have special equipement to do it , plus its not that costly. I would leave that stuff to the pros. Some even does spray patterns and flow sheets to make sure its right.

            I have done many rebuilds and I leave that stuff to the pros. I got a phrase that I stick by : If you cant do it right (or half assed), dont do it.


            • #7
              Thanks P-SHO. Here are two ebay companies that clean injectors:

              $104 for eight cylinder. I wonder if they'd do two sets of 4 cyl for the same price?

              Here is another:

              $72 for four injectors.

              I'll have to inquire about doing two sets of four cylinder injectors. I'd like them done all at once and put the best matching four in one group and the others in a second group.

              Who has used any of these ebay companies? They appear to have good feedback.

              '93GL "Prettystiva" ticking B3 and 5 speed, backup DD; full swaps in spring!
              '91L "AquaMutt" my '91L; B6 swap/5 speed & Aspire brakes, DD/work car
              '92L "Twinstiva" 5sp, salvage titled, waiting for repairs...
              '93GL "Luxstiva," '94 B6 engine & ATX; needs overhauled
              '89L "Muttstiva," now a storage bin, future trailer project


              • #8
                Here's an old thread on this:

                Post your Festiva or Aspire repair and maintenance issues. - USE THIS FORUM FOR ANY TECHNICAL RELATED POST (IE. How do I change my oil?, How to remove axle from tranny?, etc)

                '93GL "Prettystiva" ticking B3 and 5 speed, backup DD; full swaps in spring!
                '91L "AquaMutt" my '91L; B6 swap/5 speed & Aspire brakes, DD/work car
                '92L "Twinstiva" 5sp, salvage titled, waiting for repairs...
                '93GL "Luxstiva," '94 B6 engine & ATX; needs overhauled
                '89L "Muttstiva," now a storage bin, future trailer project


                • #9
                  A guy just recently posted this 'hack' project to clean/test fuel injectors..

                  Here's the post: $20 Fuel Injector Tester
                  Blue '93 GL Auto: White 13" 5 Point Wheels, Full LED Conversion, and an 8" Sub


                  • #10
                    I know Matt used this place with good results.

                    93 GL modyfied!!!


                    • #11
                      Got one here for 62$ :

                      I did a search with : injectors flow sheet , and check the title and description box.

                      A couple popped up.


                      • #12
                        If you "think" you need to clean your injectors you have other problems.


                        • #13
                          If a guy wants to clean his injectors, what harm could it do?

                          SafteyGuy, I think the link PhoenixSHO provided looks like a good, legit deal. If you're thinking of sending them out still, that's my vote.
                          Blue '93 GL Auto: White 13" 5 Point Wheels, Full LED Conversion, and an 8" Sub

