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How many miles would you think it would last?

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  • How many miles would you think it would last?

    Friend came over, patched up the exhaust, and looked at my squealing problem. The final verdict: Alternator bearing is very much on it's last legs. So, I ordered a new alternator online and have him install it (don't have extractor tools for the broken bolt or a lift, there is a motor mount in the way of the last bolt securing the bracket).

    Question is, how many miles would one think this ALT has left? His house is 33.3 miles away. I was suggested to minimize the driving on it until I have the new ALT and try as much only to drive it to his place and nothing more. Thing is, I have a few errands to run and really find it inconvenient to wait for my roommate to come home (I'm the get stuff done kind of guy). The squealing is really loud and really audible even with my music all the way up (it's like hearing a banshee getting strangled by the ALT belt). Would one think it's safe to drive it a few miles without the ALT seizing up?
    "There are three things that survive a nuclear war: Roaches, Chuck Norris, and Ford Festivas."

  • #2
    Try soaking the bearing area with some WD-40. If you can get it to shut up, you might get some miles out of it. Take the can of WD with you if it does get quiet because it probably won't last long.
    You gonna race that thing?


    • #3
      I wouldn't spray WD40 or any other flammable lubricant into or on the alternator if it is as bad as you say. Between the heat generation and possible sparks from the alternator components you could have a fire in a hurry.
      Hotrod Forums Directory * D&D Discbrakes 61-67 Econoline Conversions
      1988 Festy - white 5spd 1.3 * 1992 Festy - red 5spd 1.3 * 1963 Econoline 5 window pu * 1993 Dodge W250 5.9 Cummings * 94 Mustang


      • #4
        The last time I sprayed WD40 on it was about 3 days ago...would it have dried up to a safe level at this point?
        "There are three things that survive a nuclear war: Roaches, Chuck Norris, and Ford Festivas."


        • #5
          Lube it up and, if it stops squealing, I think you'll be fine for 33 miles or so.

          I sprayed mine with PB Blaster. The car was parked for the Winter and the alt was squealing just before. In the Spring, I started the car and the bearing was completely seized. A couple of squirts of PB and the alt worked for 6 months before I got around to replacing it.
          Festiva: Because even my dog can build a Honda.

          '90 L. B8ME/Kia Rio 5 speed. Rio/Aspire suspension swap. :-D
          '81 Mustang. Inline 6, Automatic.
          '95 Eagle Summit Wagon. 4G64 Powered.


          • #6
            If your battery is in good shape, and you go during the day so you need no lights, even if the alt. is completely dead, you'll make it 33 miles. I wouldn't recommend it, but it can be done.

            I'd say lube it, if it gets quiet, check for voltage across the battery, and if it's good (or even marginal) you should be fine for the drive.

            Dumb thieves go to prison, smart ones go to work for the Government.

            1988 L - 232K miles Batstiva
            1989 L - 247K miles Slick
            1990 L - 281K miles Orphan Annie
            Let the hoarding begin!! :mrgreen:


            • #7
              Originally posted by chaosdrifter06 View Post
              So, I ordered a new alternator online and have him install it (don't have extractor tools for the broken bolt or a lift, there is a motor mount in the way of the last bolt securing the bracket).
              So... which bolt is broken? From your previous thread I thought I remembered it being the top adjuster bolt on the Alt right? If that is the case then you don't need any extractor tools, nor do you need a lift. Shouldn't have to remove the Alt bracket either. Just take out the bottom Alt bolt (which doesn't even go through the bracket, it goes through a casting on the block. You will need a new top adjuster bolt for the Alt, but no extractor tools.

              That said, if you just don't want to do it yourself then you *could* drive it 33 miles with the Alt not charging, I've driven a good bit farther than that with a dead Alt. However, since the problem is with the bearing and a broken adjuster bolt, that means that if the belt flies off or gets eaten by the bearing failing, you will have no water pump to circulate your coolant and likely overheat. Thats a chance you take.
              No festiva for me ATM...


              • #8
                You could get dangerous and put an adjustable belt on the crank/water pump :O
                Blue '93 GL Auto: White 13" 5 Point Wheels, Full LED Conversion, and an 8" Sub


                • #9
                  I drove with a squealing alternator bearing for months....This in no way is a guarantee you can do the same! Mine was loud, but it wasn't banshee loud!
                  Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
                  Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
                  "Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by htchbck View Post
                    So... which bolt is broken? From your previous thread I thought I remembered it being the top adjuster bolt on the Alt right? If that is the case then you don't need any extractor tools, nor do you need a lift. Shouldn't have to remove the Alt bracket either. Just take out the bottom Alt bolt (which doesn't even go through the bracket, it goes through a casting on the block. You will need a new top adjuster bolt for the Alt, but no extractor tools.
                    There's a motor mount in the way of the bottom ALT bolt. The socket I currently have won't allow me any access to it. I will try and post pics. I tried for an hour to secure a socket. Once I do secure it, I hardly have any room to turn the socket. If I had those small socket wrenches maybe....Time to ask friends to buy me a socket set for my bday.
                    "There are three things that survive a nuclear war: Roaches, Chuck Norris, and Ford Festivas."


                    • #11
                      I beg to differ......... with proper lubrication, you will most likely be good for 47-52 miles.


                      Originally posted by JPT View Post
                      Lube it up and, if it stops squealing, I think you'll be fine for 33 miles or so.

                      I sprayed mine with PB Blaster. The car was parked for the Winter and the alt was squealing just before. In the Spring, I started the car and the bearing was completely seized. A couple of squirts of PB and the alt worked for 6 months before I got around to replacing it.
                      My Whips:


                      • #12
                        I was under the impression that WD-40 / PB or other penetrating oils are not designed for long-time lubrication. Perfect for loosening anything that's stuck, but not ideal for actual lubrication. Is this not true?
                        BP, Aspire brakes, stock trans.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by chaosdrifter06 View Post
                          There's a motor mount in the way of the bottom ALT bolt. The socket I currently have won't allow me any access to it. I will try and post pics. I tried for an hour to secure a socket. Once I do secure it, I hardly have any room to turn the socket. If I had those small socket wrenches maybe....Time to ask friends to buy me a socket set for my bday.
                          Yeah, if you can get some pics up I'd love to see them. Never had a problem with anything being in the way of the bottom bolt, but who knows, maybe the person who did the swap did something differently than I've done on mine?
                          No festiva for me ATM...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by htchbck View Post
                            Yeah, if you can get some pics up I'd love to see them. Never had a problem with anything being in the way of the bottom bolt, but who knows, maybe the person who did the swap did something differently than I've done on mine?
                            X2. I've had the alts/ alt belts off of all three of my Festivas. Don't remember any mounts in the way of that bottom bolt. True, it can be a PITB to get to, but never had a problem getting to mine.

                            Dumb thieves go to prison, smart ones go to work for the Government.

                            1988 L - 232K miles Batstiva
                            1989 L - 247K miles Slick
                            1990 L - 281K miles Orphan Annie
                            Let the hoarding begin!! :mrgreen:


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by hckrphil View Post
                              I beg to differ......... with proper lubrication, you will most likely be good for 47-52 miles.

                              My estimate is off 50% :razz:

                              Originally posted by jamesmc View Post
                              I was under the impression that WD-40 / PB or other penetrating oils are not designed for long-time lubrication. Perfect for loosening anything that's stuck, but not ideal for actual lubrication. Is this not true?
                              True. The lubricating effect doesn't last long. I used it just to loosen my frozen alt. I never expected it to solve the problem, I just needed it to free the bearing. The fact that my alt lasted so long is probably because my bearing couldn't have been that bad.
                              Festiva: Because even my dog can build a Honda.

                              '90 L. B8ME/Kia Rio 5 speed. Rio/Aspire suspension swap. :-D
                              '81 Mustang. Inline 6, Automatic.
                              '95 Eagle Summit Wagon. 4G64 Powered.

