This is a good one. I left the lights on, came back a couple hours later to a dead battery. Tried to jump it, engine cranks like always but would not start.Came back the next day with a good battery, installed it, still no start.
Fuel pump not working. Ended up putting temp hotwire back to fuel pump, started right up. After searching posts i really think it is the Fuel Pump Switch in the VAF. I will look at that tomorrow.
I find it strange the car would not start after killing the battery. Headscratchers I guess.
Any one know if you can change the switch in the VAF? Repair?
Thank you
Fuel pump not working. Ended up putting temp hotwire back to fuel pump, started right up. After searching posts i really think it is the Fuel Pump Switch in the VAF. I will look at that tomorrow.
I find it strange the car would not start after killing the battery. Headscratchers I guess.
Any one know if you can change the switch in the VAF? Repair?
Thank you