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From brake lines and gas this??!!

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  • From brake lines and gas this??!!

    Hey all!

    I feel as though every time I get something fixed on the Festy, another problem arises! As some of you may know, I recently had the brake/gas lines repaired/replaced and have since been driving my lil buddy around with glee....until TODAY!

    I'm unemployed so I was on the hunt today (for potential work) and became a bit flustered in a busy intersection. I guess I wasn't paying too much attention because I accidentally went from 2nd to 1st (instead of third) and.......SNAP CRACKLE & POP....something happened.

    I knew it was the exhaust right away because it's been getting progressively, yet slowly louder, but all of a sudden it sounded as though I was on my ATV again. The tell-tale booming drone of exhaust whooshing from the undercarriage was overwhelming. Sounded akin to those cheap civic mods people in poor areas have, you know? Additionally I noticed that when idling the car, there was a considerable rattling sound coming from under the front end.

    Anyway, I know a guy on the corner by my house so i had him put the Festy on the lift, and guess what!? (Keep in mind I don't know much about cars...) The pipe exiting the Catalytic Converter (I think) had rusted off completely and disconnected, which explained both the rattling and the godzilla bumblebee sounds. I asked him what he thought it would cost to fix, and he said he could do about 180, give or take. He would be replacing everything behind the CC.

    So what do you all think? Is that reasonable, price-wise? And also, aside from the noise pollution (and potential ticket), the Festy isn't dangerous to drive, right?

    Let me know!!

    Thanks FFFFs! (Ford Festiva Forum Friends)


    1991 Festiva L "The HobbitMobile" or "The Hobbit" :cam:

    Do you not understand? TO LOSE IS TO DIE!

  • #2
    FLEX PIPE is ur cheapest bet man some welding required to get that on or just use cheap exhaust clamps.. iv done er b4 n itl quiter down


    • #3
      They still make the original pipe that you can bolt in, but they're about $120 shipped. I just ordered one from Autozone. You'd need gaskets too. Keeps it all original. A little pricey though.


      • #4
        I'd call around the local muffler shops (or even welding or machine shops as in my experience muffler franchises overcharge), describe what you need, and ask for a quote. They cut, bend, and weld pipe all the time. Shouldn't need to order special parts.
        Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


        • #5
          It's not special, it's an exact reproduction. I've replaced my entire exhaust from the downpipe back and it is just like it came from the factory. 1st the muffler, then the midpipe about 2 years later when it broke, then the downpipe although it is for a 323, 'cause I put the B6 exhaust manifold on it too. I really like it just because it is all original, hangers and all. Plus I never had to pay any labor at all. I guess I'm just picky about stuff.


          • #6
            I just bought an exact reproduction of the pipe from the back of the cat to the front of the muffler, complete with all the attach brackets welded on in the right places, from Napa for about $130 shipped from the Midwest to Seattle. Midas had quoted me about 3 times that price to make a "custom" part, plus a lot for a muffler. Go with "original" -- then you'll be able to replace a rusted-out muffler yourself in the future in about 10 minutes. Mine was one-piece "custom" all the way back to and including the muffler, which had rusted out, which would have required welding just to replace the muffler.
            88L black, dailydriver
            88LX silver a/c, dailydriver
            4 88/89 disassembled
            91L green
            91GL aqua pwrsteer
            92GL red a/c reardmg
            3 93L blue, 2 dailydriver, 1 frontdmg
            1952 Cessna170B floatplane


            • #7
              Another county heard from! I'm really pleased with the way mine turned out. I got my muffler at Napa for about $35 two years ago.


              • #8
                Another "county"???

                My last muffler from Napa (last month) cost $50 and I had it on the car in 10 minutes -- since that car's exhaust system hadn't been "customized."
                88L black, dailydriver
                88LX silver a/c, dailydriver
                4 88/89 disassembled
                91L green
                91GL aqua pwrsteer
                92GL red a/c reardmg
                3 93L blue, 2 dailydriver, 1 frontdmg
                1952 Cessna170B floatplane


                • #9
                  Wow, so many replies! Thanks everyone! Firstly, I've never heard of flex pipe, I will certainly check it out. Also, since a number of you ordered from this 'napa' in the Midwest, I ought to look into that as well. I'm in Chicago! (cook COUNTY haha).

                  So if I get my hands on the piping behind the cat, plus the muffler and brackets, you all think it's a pretty easy job? I'm a COMPLETE newbie , so be careful what you say my friends

                  I don't understand how the pipe attaches to the back of the cat though, when I checked it out, it looks like it was welded. But what do I it was rusted to H.E. double hockey stick. Lol

                  thanks comrades!
                  1991 Festiva L "The HobbitMobile" or "The Hobbit" :cam:

                  Do you not understand? TO LOSE IS TO DIE!


                  • #10
                    You can get pipe off another car and make it work without welding too. You hacksaw split the end and bang another pipe inside then use a clamp, and use some bendable metal to make temp hangers until you can get to a regular exhaust shop. It's easy off the car, not as easy on your back.

                    If the cat was ever replaced chances are they welded in a replacement of a different length and you lost one flange or its welded to the front of the cat so youd have to cut and weld a second time. You may not be able to use oem flanges anymore. You are not in california so might as well try the cheap modification until you are ready to spend serious coin.

                    Another thought is to take a picture of under your car so we can see what you are dealing with and advise that way too.
                    Last edited by getnpsi; 07-21-2011, 12:21 AM.
                    1993 GL 5 speed

                    It's a MazdaFordnKia thing, and you will understand!


                    • #11
                      Quote "Another "county"???" Sorry, just a goofy expression I use sometimes when a few people are all saying the same thing. As long as the old bolts come out it's pretty simple. The worst part is getting the car high enough to get under it. Use PB Blaster and you should be fine. Be sure to get the gaskets and probably some new bolts. Like Alaskafestivaguy says, it will be worse if your exhaust system has been modified. Make sure your rubber hangers are still good and that the cat has the original flange.
                      Last edited by zoe60; 07-21-2011, 10:38 AM.


                      • #12
                        Alright, I checked out NAPA auto parts, and it seems as though they don't have what i'm looking for. The cheapest I found online was 100$.

                        Anyone else have some ideas?
                        1991 Festiva L "The HobbitMobile" or "The Hobbit" :cam:

                        Do you not understand? TO LOSE IS TO DIE!


                        • #13
                          Sounds about right. Rockauto has 'em cheap but shipping is higher. After shopping around the cheapest I found was at Autozone. Shipping was way less than Rockauto. You ain't gonna get it for free! You'll be out about $120 to $130.


                          • #14
                            The Napa part # for the long pipe connecting the cat to the muffler is 47613. They charge me $129.00 plus $25.00 shipping from Harrisburg, VA (not the midwest as I had recalled). I also bought a muffler, p/n 18210, from stock at $49.99.

                            This was all less than a month ago.
                            88L black, dailydriver
                            88LX silver a/c, dailydriver
                            4 88/89 disassembled
                            91L green
                            91GL aqua pwrsteer
                            92GL red a/c reardmg
                            3 93L blue, 2 dailydriver, 1 frontdmg
                            1952 Cessna170B floatplane


                            • #15
                              Wow that's quite a bit of dough to drop on a mid-pipe. My local shop wanted close to $200, so Sasquatch and I grabbed a cat-back off a junkyard car for $20 instead. Just made more sense with a little elbow grease.

                              Alternatively, if you aren't using your Festiva as a daily driver, head to a pipe store and build it yourself. A lot of these mandrel kits are available online too! OEM is probably 1.625 or 1.75 crush-bent piping - a performance system could be 2" mandrel or 2.25" crush-bent. You don't need a heck of a lot of technical skill or welding equipment for this either, just grab a hacksaw/sawzall to cut to needed shape and then drive it (in your other car) to the muffler shop!

                              I know a lot of members here have built their own exhaust systems... maybe some of them can chime in with a piping parts list with some product numbers to help out with pricing and such?

                              Couple links to give anybody interested some examples/pictures/info:
                              944 Turbo and Turbo-S Forum - 3" Cat Back DIY (lots of pictures now) - I'd rate this as easier and less messy than changing the oil in our cars (but more time consuming). These pictures are before welding it all together obviously.

                              DC5 Pipe Kits are now ready PIPE KIT SPRING SALE 10% OFF (ends 03/31/2009) Advanced Street Performance DIY exhaust pipe kits. The Civic and Integra "DIY pipe kit" are comprised of 3 sections of precision 100% CNC mandrel bent tubing, for the best exhaust flow and fitment. The tubing is...

                              I am sure most of you have heard of kteller... for some reason their website is loopy and I get no e-mail replies.... so I gave up, and bought a Megan Catback 2.5", only problem with it is that the muffler is sooo angled up that my muffler shop can't weld a magnaflow muffler on it... there's...
                              Last edited by Aaronbrook37; 07-22-2011, 10:03 AM.
                              1988 Chevy Sprint Turbo 997cc

