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Festiva cranks but not starting

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  • Festiva cranks but not starting

    I wrapped up the install of the rebuilt engine in my 90 Festiva. Everything is in it's place other than the exhaust manifold. I have tried to start the car and cannot get it running, it will crank and crank and try to start but never fire up. Here is an overview of what I have checked.

    - Fuel Pump is pumping with key on. I left the hose to the injectors off and on the floor. With key on and engine turning, a steady stream of fuel came out.

    - I pulled the #1 plug wire and there is a spark when the engine is cranking.

    - There is a light amount of blue combustion flame coming out of the #4 exhaust when cranking.

    - When I hold my hand over exhaust ports 1-3 during cranking I can feel a suction, is this right?
    1990 Tiva L - Yellow
    1995 Metro - SOLD...
    2002 F150 FX4 - Black
    1966 Galaxie 500XL - Black

  • #2
    timing set

    I went thru and reset my timing. Rolled car until crank pointer at TDC. Then made sure cam marks were at 12 & 3. Then verified that distributor rotor was pointing to mark for #1 cyl. All of this was on compression stroke for #1. Before, car was roughly trying to start, now it just cranks smoothly but doesn't catch. I verified that the injectors are pulsing by rotating distributor rotor. I purged old gas out of line and put 5 gallons in tank. My fusible links were replaced by fuses and are good.

    Any thoughts?
    1990 Tiva L - Yellow
    1995 Metro - SOLD...
    2002 F150 FX4 - Black
    1966 Galaxie 500XL - Black


    • #3
      Check that you have spark in all 4, check and recheck timing. If there is suction in your ports for exhaust sounds like your valves are opening at the wrong time (timing)
      :cry_smile: RIP. 91 Ford festiva BP swap

      1990 Mazda Miata BP swap, 99 trans, 3.9 Torsen rear end, Mazdaspeed6 k04 turbo on 15 psi.


      • #4
        By reading your last post, you said you reset the timing.
        Assuming you did change something with the timing marks/dsitributor and now it reacts different, cranks smooth vs. trying a bit. I would say something is off with your timing belt and/or distributor.
        Hotrod Forums Directory * D&D Discbrakes 61-67 Econoline Conversions
        1988 Festy - white 5spd 1.3 * 1992 Festy - red 5spd 1.3 * 1963 Econoline 5 window pu * 1993 Dodge W250 5.9 Cummings * 94 Mustang


        • #5
          Last night I verified the timing of crank, cam & distributor and reset accordingly. I turned the crank twice and locked the tensioner. Ill double check my work t be sure.

          I need a second set of hands to do some diagnostic work and verify I am gettng spark and fuel at the cyl right now. Bhard to see what is going on while cranking.
          1990 Tiva L - Yellow
          1995 Metro - SOLD...
          2002 F150 FX4 - Black
          1966 Galaxie 500XL - Black


          • #6
            Originally posted by chadzeilenga View Post
            Last night I verified the timing of crank, cam & distributor and reset accordingly. I turned the crank twice and locked the tensioner. Ill double check my work t be sure.

            I need a second set of hands to do some diagnostic work and verify I am gettng spark and fuel at the cyl right now. Bhard to see what is going on while cranking.
            If you leave the tensioner loose while turning the engine it can jump teeth.

            You need a remote starter switch Harbor Freight, they are cheap.
            Hotrod Forums Directory * D&D Discbrakes 61-67 Econoline Conversions
            1988 Festy - white 5spd 1.3 * 1992 Festy - red 5spd 1.3 * 1963 Econoline 5 window pu * 1993 Dodge W250 5.9 Cummings * 94 Mustang


            • #7
              Do a compression check, that will tell you some things and thats a one man job.
              An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.


              • #8
                Ignition control module? Test for free at some parts stores.
                Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


                • #9
                  Doubtful it'll help you but I know if the crank position sensor is off it will make the car roll over forever seeming like a no spark/fuel problem.

                  /e yea I just looked at the manual and the "ckp" for 90-93 models are built into the distributor.

                  Either way if your getting fuel and you've got some compression going on and airflow it would have to be something with the timing/distributor?
                  Last edited by zoom zoom; 07-24-2011, 08:04 PM.
                  2008 Kia Rio- new beater
                  1987 F-150- revived and CLEAN!!!
                  1987 Suzuki Dual Sport- fun beater bike
                  1993 Festiva- Fiona, DD
                  1997 Aspire- Peaspire, Refurb'd, sold
                  1997 Aspire- Babyspire, DD
                  1994 Aspire - Project Kiazord
                  1994 Aspire- Crustyspire, RIP

                  "If it moves, grease it, if it don't, paint it, and if it ain't broke don't fix it!"


                  • #10
                    have you check the firing order?
                    "i am the difference":cheers:


                    • #11
                      Yes, I checked the firing order before I double checked the timing which was off by 90deg. I'm going to take a look in a couple days. Been busy for a few nights. What has me confused is that prior to resetting the timing, it was definitely during and the check engine light was not on after cranking, but now I get a CEL after cranking and there doesn't seem to be combustion. Has me worried I didn't reconnect something while doing the timing.
                      1990 Tiva L - Yellow
                      1995 Metro - SOLD...
                      2002 F150 FX4 - Black
                      1966 Galaxie 500XL - Black


                      • #12
                        I had some more time to look at the Festiva tonight. I installed a new set of plugs and checked for spark. I have a healthy spark on all 4 cyl. I also installed a new cap and rotor. At this time I checked the firing order, and that was good also.

                        What is a typical compression on a motor with 150k? I was measuring 120psi, but I don't think my compression tester was seating 100%.

                        I noticed that the rotor could be installed in 3 locations, so I am going to take another look at the timing the next free night I have.

                        Tonight, the car did crank better and I saw more flame out of exhaust ports, so I think I'm getting closer.
                        1990 Tiva L - Yellow
                        1995 Metro - SOLD...
                        2002 F150 FX4 - Black
                        1966 Galaxie 500XL - Black


                        • #13
                          was going to suggest the rotor thing...try all 3 ways if you are not sure it is on right. The setting for the Disty should be almost exactly in the middle of the swing for adjustment.
                          "FLTG4LIFE" @FINALLEVEL , "PBH"
                          89L Silver EFI auto
                          91GL Green Auto DD
                          There ain't no rest for the wicked
                          until we close our eyes for good.
                          I will sleep when I die!
                          I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. I've got four wheels and a running board, I'm not a Chevy, I'M A FORD!


                          • #14
                            Here is an update:
                            Last night I tried to start the festiva again... Ha ha

                            I tried the distributor rotor in all 3 positions. My original position had the most potential. I checked the timing and all of the marks lined up. When starting I am getting both fuel and spark. I get an occasional popping from combustion, but it never goes farther than that. I pulled a few plugs and they were wet.

                            The only other thng I can think of is that my timing is off 180 and I'm trying to fire on the exhaust stroke?
                            1990 Tiva L - Yellow
                            1995 Metro - SOLD...
                            2002 F150 FX4 - Black
                            1966 Galaxie 500XL - Black


                            • #15
                              That, sure are you that you got the rods back in the corresponding holes right when you put the head back together? It could well be a couple mismatched rods throwing the compression off.

                              If your exhaust header is still off, is gas leaking out of it?
                              Last edited by zoom zoom; 08-01-2011, 03:21 PM.
                              2008 Kia Rio- new beater
                              1987 F-150- revived and CLEAN!!!
                              1987 Suzuki Dual Sport- fun beater bike
                              1993 Festiva- Fiona, DD
                              1997 Aspire- Peaspire, Refurb'd, sold
                              1997 Aspire- Babyspire, DD
                              1994 Aspire - Project Kiazord
                              1994 Aspire- Crustyspire, RIP

                              "If it moves, grease it, if it don't, paint it, and if it ain't broke don't fix it!"

