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Timing Cover Help!

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  • Timing Cover Help!

    Query...Can anyone give me the dimensions for timing cover bolts? I just bought a timing cover off ebay (my festy didn't have one when I bought it), and like an idiot, I didn't ask if the hardware was wasn't.....the oil pan bolts fit into the threaded holes..(don't ask) I took one to Fastenal to see if they could help. The looked at me like I had a wiener growing out of my forehead. Anyway, I was hoping someone might know the dimensions, or maybe even know of anyone parting an old Festy out....I'd even buy another cover if I had to...any help would be greatly appreciated....

  • #2
    6mmXhalf-inch longer than the cover is thick.


    • #3
      Take the bolt to any hardware store which sells inidivual bolts and nuts. Try your bolt in all the metric nuts until you find one that fits. A store near here makes it easier with a set of nuts embedded in the display where you can try them.
      Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


      • #4
        First of all, you don't need these covers to drive the car. I always remove the top one to peek at the TB occasionally. I would go to a junkyard and get the three easy ones off of several cars. If you want to go to a hardware store I know that the thread size is 6mm (in the most common thread pitch) but don't know the length in millimeters. It's about 1 and 3/4 inches.

