I had the same problem with my lawnmower last summer. Going across slopes in one direction, it spewed out house-sized clouds of grey smoke. I drained out some of the oil and the problem went away.
I once had a Fiat that smoked badly on startup. I tracked it down to the #3 cylinder, which fouled its plug every 100 miles. For a long time, I carried around a box of plus and stopped regularly on the side of the road to change #3. Eventually, I found a cracked valve guide that was letting oil drip down into the #3 cylinder.
I once had a Fiat that smoked badly on startup. I tracked it down to the #3 cylinder, which fouled its plug every 100 miles. For a long time, I carried around a box of plus and stopped regularly on the side of the road to change #3. Eventually, I found a cracked valve guide that was letting oil drip down into the #3 cylinder.