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Front end noise... Need a second opinion

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  • Front end noise... Need a second opinion

    Hello guys. My name is David and I am fairly new to this site...well, new to posting threads on this site anyway, so bear with me a bit.

    I got my second Festiva "Trixie" a few months back when someone slammed into my 94 Escort GT (yeah, I knowww... :cry_smile, but here I am with another bulletproof Festy so no complaints here and now I'm rattling lol

    Anyhow, I noticed a bit of front end noise coming from the front right side. It's a rotating, fast whupwhupwhupwhup sound that has gotten louder over the past few days. So this is what I have observed thus far:

    1. It is constant, as in no "driving down the road going straight/turning left: noise, turning right: quiet" stuff, so it doesn't quite sound like a wheel bearing or ball joint.

    2. There is some groaning when drastically turning at low speeds and the steering wheel corrects itself back to center (1-6 mph)

    3. Upon further inspection under the car, I noticed that the CV joint boot closest to the wheel is completely severed and the same boot on the left side of the car has a 1'' slit in it, so I will have to put some grease in it until I can get that fixed.

    4. I have known that my steering rack bellows are shot for a little bit now

    5. When feeling where the outer tie rod attaches to the steering knuckle, it had slight up-and-down play (couple millimeters, you have to wiggle hard)

    So, if my guess is correct, it might be a CV axle wearing out or my joints are getting dry, or it might be a tie rod. Btw, the car was owned by an elderly gent and currently has almost 76,000 on the odo, so it was fairly pampered and has been well maintained. My guess is that...well...rubber bad on cars that are nearly as old as I am . Any guesses?

    - 1996 Ford Ranger 2.3L 141,240 mi (Traded...wish I hadn't)
    - 1996 Ford Probe SE 2.0L Auto 126,000 mi
    - 1988 Festiva "Hermes" 1.3L Carb. 4-spd. 167,000 mi (Found a new home)
    - 1994 Escort GT, 5-spd. with Pacesetter header, and exhaust kit 101,412mi (RIP...T-boned by ditzy driver)
    - 2002 Hyundai Accent 1.5L Auto 164,000mi ( this is air conditioning...)
    - 1991 Festiva, 1.3L 5-spd. 75,802 miles. Goes by "Trixie"

  • #2
    Could be a bad belt in the tire. Up and down play in a tie rod is not safe either, You
    should get your safety concerns first, then service or replace the boots on other
    parts as soon as possible. If there is no grease left in that one cv that shouldn't
    wait to long, and that would be the 2nd place to look for your noise.
    Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


    • #3
      You'll certainly want to be re-newing those axle and steering boots ASAP. Lift the car up a bit and spin the wheels. Noises and visible off-round tires will become quite apparent then too.


      • #4
        Wow, you guys are quick lol

        Yeah, I was thinking along those lines. I know how it feels to have a ball joint/CV axle fail going down the road... lots of fun

        By general assumption, given the fact that this has started a few days ago (but I am a delivery driver, so I would say 60-100 miles ago), would boot repair via boot repair kit be sufficient or is my axle probably on it's way to "shot" status, requiring a new axle? Not being a cheapskate or anything, just a typical broke college student lol.

        Also, I should probably get to work the tie rods first and grease the CV until they are done, given the fact that there is a small amount of play where none is the only acceptable status. I haven't done much work on tie rods so I might need a little advice on doing the inner ones.
        Last edited by sickfleming; 05-03-2012, 10:14 AM. Reason: typo or two
        - 1996 Ford Ranger 2.3L 141,240 mi (Traded...wish I hadn't)
        - 1996 Ford Probe SE 2.0L Auto 126,000 mi
        - 1988 Festiva "Hermes" 1.3L Carb. 4-spd. 167,000 mi (Found a new home)
        - 1994 Escort GT, 5-spd. with Pacesetter header, and exhaust kit 101,412mi (RIP...T-boned by ditzy driver)
        - 2002 Hyundai Accent 1.5L Auto 164,000mi ( this is air conditioning...)
        - 1991 Festiva, 1.3L 5-spd. 75,802 miles. Goes by "Trixie"


        • #5
          Well, on second thought...if I have to yank that axle out to replace the boots, might as well swap it.
          - 1996 Ford Ranger 2.3L 141,240 mi (Traded...wish I hadn't)
          - 1996 Ford Probe SE 2.0L Auto 126,000 mi
          - 1988 Festiva "Hermes" 1.3L Carb. 4-spd. 167,000 mi (Found a new home)
          - 1994 Escort GT, 5-spd. with Pacesetter header, and exhaust kit 101,412mi (RIP...T-boned by ditzy driver)
          - 2002 Hyundai Accent 1.5L Auto 164,000mi ( this is air conditioning...)
          - 1991 Festiva, 1.3L 5-spd. 75,802 miles. Goes by "Trixie"


          • #6
            They don't cost much.....but if you are in a University every dollar counts.
            Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


            • #7
              Try rotating the wheels (ie rims with tires) side-to-side or back-to-front. If it changes it's the tires. If it goes away congratulations.
              Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


              • #8
                front end noise

                i will only suggest [educated suggestion] u,want to be safe,replace axle cv joints,that are ripped. no telling how long,they ve been ripped. and replace steering bellows , any play at all,in a arm bushings, tie rods, or ball joints., i just replace them. the noise, u,mention wump,wump,and groaning on a turn. [sounds like me,in the morning]its hard to diagnose,without being in the car,while it happens. are u,sure your wheel bearings,are greased? could be as simple,as a tire,or a steering rack? ask festy boy. i check obvious parts,then i have a festy mechanic,replace it. any experienced mechanics,close by? good luck


                • #9
                  ^^dont listen to this guy

                  Diagnose then replace parts, not the other way around

                  1988 323 Station Wagon - KLG4 swapped
                  1988 323 GT - B6T Powered
                  2008 Ford Escape - Rollover Survivor

                  1990 Festiva - First Ever Completed KLZE swap (SOLD)

                  If no one from the future stops you from doing it, how bad of a decision can it really be?


                  • #10
                    You should've kept your EGT to donate its heart to your festy, they will live on greater than the sum of their parts and be stupid quick
                    Owner of:
                    1991 Red Festiva L, 5 speed (Swagger Wagon)
                    In progress:
                    BP+G25MR swap, Kia rio axles hopefully.


                    • #11
                      There is ultimately 'mostly one' answer, but Festivas are becoming vintage/classic cars now for a reason. Everything on them is use/age worn to some serious degree and when combined many formerly simple fixes can no longer afford a 'dealer' (replace everything) solution.
                      Plus dealers, and now even jobbers, can't even get parts.
                      Have faith and take the bus for a few days. Our little boxes sure beat the s&*t out of having to go public transit for convenience.


                      • #12
                        Uhhh...well, no offense, but "replace and pray" is never a good option. Too expensive and it gets you paranoid of every little peep made by your car. Like Movin said, every dollar counts in a university lol...and how
                        But, since I try to get the most out of my cars, plus the fact that I deliver food, I keep 'em in as tip top as I can.

                        So, here's what happened today:

                        I did the basic wheel play check. 9 to 3 o clock: barely moves. Noon to 6 o clock: solid as a rock. All around the clock: Nothing really abnormal. It doesn't sound like a wheel bearing (believe me, after owning that EGT, found out really quick what a bad bearing sounds like lol)

                        Rotated wheels front to back and took her for a spin. Noise is still there. But one thing I noticed when I took off the wheel was that the rubber boot for the tie rod was totally dry rotted with little to no grease inside. Imagine that...

                        Since they aren't that expensive and I'm still slightly nervous about CV axles failing like I did in the middle of Richmond Ave. at 40 mph in rush hour with the Escort (in retrospect, I think it might have been a previously flooded car...), I got a new axle today and will be putting on some tie rod ends tomorrow. Sounds to me like those are the most liable suspects. Everything else checks out okay. Ball joint, control arms, suspension, bearings...

                        And yes, I would have saved that BP, but I was low on money and needed a car. You can't get "total loss" money on a car with no engine unfortunately.

                        On a lighter note, my gf was wanting to watch me install the axle tonight, but looks like she had to go home so guess I'm flying solo. It's cool that she really wants to learn how to work on cars though. Anyway, I'll be outside taking care of that. If something goes right, ya'll will be the first to know
                        - 1996 Ford Ranger 2.3L 141,240 mi (Traded...wish I hadn't)
                        - 1996 Ford Probe SE 2.0L Auto 126,000 mi
                        - 1988 Festiva "Hermes" 1.3L Carb. 4-spd. 167,000 mi (Found a new home)
                        - 1994 Escort GT, 5-spd. with Pacesetter header, and exhaust kit 101,412mi (RIP...T-boned by ditzy driver)
                        - 2002 Hyundai Accent 1.5L Auto 164,000mi ( this is air conditioning...)
                        - 1991 Festiva, 1.3L 5-spd. 75,802 miles. Goes by "Trixie"


                        • #13
                          Well, it's rusty under there, partly due to the fact that the car is from Ohio. I couldn't get the CV axle off because one of the nuts on the sway bar bracket was chewed up and such.
                          Well, the noise is louder still and now pops when I go over bumps and around corners. When I got home from work today, I was planning to attempt again at the axle replacement and while loosening my lug nuts, just for good measure, I touched the wheel nut and it was HOT. peculiar
                          - 1996 Ford Ranger 2.3L 141,240 mi (Traded...wish I hadn't)
                          - 1996 Ford Probe SE 2.0L Auto 126,000 mi
                          - 1988 Festiva "Hermes" 1.3L Carb. 4-spd. 167,000 mi (Found a new home)
                          - 1994 Escort GT, 5-spd. with Pacesetter header, and exhaust kit 101,412mi (RIP...T-boned by ditzy driver)
                          - 2002 Hyundai Accent 1.5L Auto 164,000mi ( this is air conditioning...)
                          - 1991 Festiva, 1.3L 5-spd. 75,802 miles. Goes by "Trixie"


                          • #14
                            Bearings me thinks.
                            Owner of:
                            1991 Red Festiva L, 5 speed (Swagger Wagon)
                            In progress:
                            BP+G25MR swap, Kia rio axles hopefully.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sickfleming View Post
                              Well, it's rusty under there, partly due to the fact that the car is from Ohio. I couldn't get the CV axle off because one of the nuts on the sway bar bracket was chewed up and such.
                              Well, the noise is louder still and now pops when I go over bumps and around corners. When I got home from work today, I was planning to attempt again at the axle replacement and while loosening my lug nuts, just for good measure, I touched the wheel nut and it was HOT. peculiar
                              Did you compare it to the other side ?
                              Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig

