Or came apart.. What happened here? This is literally all I need to drive my car again after more then a month of being down. Also the little needle part that goes through came out.
91 Festiva BP Autocross/Track/Rallycross hopeful
14 C7 Z51
That looks strange; not at all what I expect to see for the speedo cable, and the drive gear assembly it threads onto. I think some PO juryrigged a speedo cable at some point. You should be able to get it out with a needle-nose pliers tho, then proceed from there. If you have a Haynes manual, check page 1-20 for relevant pics.
I can't figure out what you've got left there. Pictures are of an Aspire speedo gear complete. They're slightly longer than Festy but otherwise much the same in appearance.
Good luck. Dissimilar metals are great for fusing to each other.
Be careful. That doesn't look like a Festiva to me either but the metal on that collar is probably very soft. I'd first dose it liberally around the outside with penetrant (WD-40, Liquid Wrench, etc., or my favourite 50% motor oil and 50% paint thinner which is cheaper than motor oil). I would shove a stick of wood or something inside to keep the collar from collapsing. Then you have a choice of pilers (I use slip joint, others locking) or drilling a hole latteraly throught the collar and filler and pushing a punch or large nail through and turning with that. Good luck.
Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.
Be careful. That doesn't look like a Festiva to me either but the metal on that collar is probably very soft. I'd first dose it liberally around the outside with penetrant (WD-40, Liquid Wrench, etc., or my favourite 50% motor oil and 50% paint thinner which is cheaper than motor oil). I would shove a stick of wood or something inside to keep the collar from collapsing. Then you have a choice of pilers (I use slip joint, others locking) or drilling a hole latteraly throught the collar and filler and pushing a punch or large nail through and turning with that. Good luck.
It's an Escort GT tranny, I'll start beating on it later today when I get back from work.
91 Festiva BP Autocross/Track/Rallycross hopeful
14 C7 Z51
I'd drive a lag bolt into it and extract it that way, cause what's left won't be useable.
Probably this, and coat the lag bolt Liberally with grease prior to inserting it, in fact use a grease gun to pump some into the hole, to catch shavings from installing the lag bolt. Then use a slide hammer to pull it out.
1963 Fairlane - future NSS drag car
1965 Mustang Coupe - A-code car, restoring for/with my son
1973 F100 longbed - only 22k original miles, 360/auto, disk, PS/PB dealer in dash A/C
1996 Sonoma X-cab - son's DD
2002 Grand Prix - daughter's DD
2003 Sport Trac - 180k, 130k on replaced motor with new timing chains - F/S soon.
2005 Accord - wife's DD
2008 Mountaineer - step daughter's DD
2015 F150 SCrew - DD