I put a craigslist ad up a few days ago saying: Wanted: Ford Festiva Engine. Today, a guy called me and said he was from: Masters Auto Shipping and he saw my ad on craigslist. He can get me a Festiva engine warrentied for 30 days and shipped to me for $650. He said they were engines with less than 100K miles on them.
Their website is: mastersautoshipping.com
Their website is pretty small and it don't give very much information. The man said that they ship engines, etc. to 20,000 different distributers etc. I'm not sure how reliable I should consider them. Any one deal with them or hear about them?
Their website is: mastersautoshipping.com
Their website is pretty small and it don't give very much information. The man said that they ship engines, etc. to 20,000 different distributers etc. I'm not sure how reliable I should consider them. Any one deal with them or hear about them?