I am in the process of changing out CV joints and front end parts in my 91 Festiva. What type of auto transmission fluid should I use and how much does the tranny hold?
'93 Blue 5spd 230K(down for clutch and overall maintanence)
'93 White B6 swap thanks to Skeeters Keeper
'92 Aqua parts Car
'93 Turquoise 5spd 137K
'90 White LX Thanks to FB71
"Your God of repentance will not save you.
Your holy ghost will not save you.
Your God plutonium will not save you.
In fact...
...You will not be saved!"
We just start new threads to get you riled up. ccasion9:
(Ha!, ha!, OK, snarkiness over....) :tongue3:
(P.S. - I will say the search function doesn't always work as well as you want it to sometimes. And, to make you feel better, Pu241, I read the transmission fluid thread you linked and found it packed with good info so thanks for linking that!)
88L - 'Twistiva' - 'The Fusion of Man and Machine'
88LX - 'Laztiza' - Future Resurrection Project
91L - 'Mistiva' - My Daughter's DD
93L - 'Vextiva' - Airport Car
A problem with the search function is people not putting the subject area of the car in the subject line. A subject like "This car is driving me carzy!" or "Help, I'm going out of my mind" doesn't search well when, say, it's a brake problem the person is asking about.
Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.
A problem with the search function is people not putting the subject area of the car in the subject line. A subject like "This car is driving me carzy!" or "Help, I'm going out of my mind" doesn't search well when, say, it's a brake problem the person is asking about.
88L - 'Twistiva' - 'The Fusion of Man and Machine'
88LX - 'Laztiza' - Future Resurrection Project
91L - 'Mistiva' - My Daughter's DD
93L - 'Vextiva' - Airport Car
Anyway long and short of it is (according to the service manual): Mercon ATF for ATX as well as the MTX. Works for me although I tend to use the synthetic versions. In the course of travelling 100,000+ miles haven't lost a Festy tranny yet.
I think the only issue is shift quality in the MTX and enough oil!
They seem to survive with anything. Use the grade of oil that produces shifts
you are happy with. Currently I am using 0W20 mobile synthetic, people with worn trannies and warm climates should be using a heavier grade oil. Tune in your tranny to you and your climate by selecting the correct weight or grade of oil.