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Front end shake over 50mph

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  • Front end shake over 50mph

    How would you check for loose front end wheel bearings?

  • #2
    mine shakes to after rio swap and can't figure it out. i would take it to a shop to balance then just to make sure that's not the problem.
    I think my issue might be loose driver side strut when i did my engine swap the passenger side was secure and the driver was as tight as i could go but felt like it was dangling. any fixes for this also?
    sorry to jack this thread just thought we could get 2 things fixed at the same time.
    ; ; ;
    '92 Festiva L M/T
    '93 Festiva GL A/T


    • #3
      And after a good drive touch the front wheels. if severely hot your bearings are probably going bad.
      ; ; ;
      '92 Festiva L M/T
      '93 Festiva GL A/T


      • #4
        Originally posted by denguy View Post
        How would you check for loose front end wheel bearings?
        Jack up the front & hit the rubber @ 12 & 6, does it go Boiiiiiiinggggg. Or does it just go thud. To check for tie rods you hit the rubber at 3 & 9. I use a sledge and firmly tap the rubber in the specified locations. You'll be amazed what you find-Then if you suspect bearings,just pull the tire and caliper & rotate the rotor and listen for the GRINDAGE.

        Originally posted by RhodeStiva View Post
        And after a good drive touch the front wheels. if severely hot your bearings are probably going bad.
        Or a dragging caliper or warped rotor,both of which can ruin a smooth ride.
        Some people like to read fiction,I prefer to read repair manuals. Weird I know-
        Henry Ford: "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
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        • #5
          Let's diagnose this.
          1. When did the shake start? What did you do to your car just before this started happening? Aftermarket aluminum wheels w/stock lug bolts will cause this symptom, for example.
          2. Did you do any repairs/maintenance to the front end? Check all nuts and bolts you touched.
          3. Jack up all four wheels, one at a time, to check for bearing play, steering play, or a loose rear spindle nut.
          90 Festy (Larry)--B6M (Matt D. modified B6 head), header, 5-speed, Capri XR2 front brakes, many other little mods
          09 Kia Rondo--a Festy on steroids!

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          • #6
            Probably the cheapest things you can do yourself are to rotate tires and see if there is any change. That would indicate tire (belt?) or balance problem.
            Check wheel alignment with a long piece of string stretched across front and rear tires. Should be slight toe in at the front.
            Good luck.
            Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


            • #7
              got new wheels installed rode fine.
              did the 01 rio swap up and the shaking started.
              when i did the BP swap noiced strut on pass side was firm and driver strut felt wobbly loose.
              how to fix this issue?
              '92 Festiva L M/T
              '93 Festiva GL A/T


              • #8
                Originally posted by RhodeStiva View Post
                got new wheels installed rode fine.
                did the 01 rio swap up and the shaking started.
                when i did the BP swap noiced strut on pass side was firm and driver strut felt wobbly loose.
                how to fix this issue?
                Didnt you read any of the above replys??? Jack the car up and find out exactly where the play is coming from ok.
                Last edited by nitrofarm; 05-10-2013, 04:37 PM.
                Some people like to read fiction,I prefer to read repair manuals. Weird I know-
                Henry Ford: "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
                Fuseable Link Distribution Block repair link


                • #9
                  Rhodestiva it sounds like to me you have a bad strut mount, did you swap to rio strut mounts?
                  Barbie Car - '90 L-plus_2nd Gen SOHC B6+rear turbo @ 8 psi
                  Festycul - '9? 5spd_full roll cage, completely gutted, hydro g-series, B6T @ 15psi, rocketchip ecu,Willwood master cylinder, Mit. Galant VR-4 rotors, Hawk racing pads, capri knuckles, 323 LCA's, BrideLow Max seats, 5pt. harness, lexan windows, fuel cell, aluminum radiator, 323 coilovers
                  Elvis - '93 L 5spd_B3+T build in progress
                  WhiteGirl - '93 GL Immaculate shape, deciding what to build with it?


                  • #10
                    Now to totally "Hi Jack " this thread. RhodeStiva did you replace your axles yet? Running axles that are to short or to long will give you vib. I have had this happen first hand.
                    Some people like to read fiction,I prefer to read repair manuals. Weird I know-
                    Henry Ford: "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
                    Fuseable Link Distribution Block repair link


                    • #11
                      yes i have replace the axles no change. and i jacked the car up it has a little play in the tie rods thats it.
                      '92 Festiva L M/T
                      '93 Festiva GL A/T


                      • #12
                        Ok the first thing that comes to mind is the washer for the RIO upper mount.when you say you "RIO SWAPPED". I'm assumming its the whole Ball of wax. The RIO set up use's a special Washer under the top strut nut. If that washer isnt installed ou will get @ .125"-.250" of slop. Buuut It most likely isnt casuing a vib. But you would here a slight clunking when hitting small bumbs. Just so you know a tire can "Balance out" fine, but still cause a vib. Try moving the front tires to the rear. If it stays the same. You'll have to keep digging.A warped rotor can cause also. But make sure when you swap tires around.Really bang the tires @ 12 & 6. A little bearing slop can magnify at highway speeds. Especially now you have more weight on front end. In the end though you have to be persistant like a Bull Dog. People can say all kinds of stuff for help but you gotta keep digging.
                        OK thread jacking has to stop
                        Some people like to read fiction,I prefer to read repair manuals. Weird I know-
                        Henry Ford: "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
                        Fuseable Link Distribution Block repair link

