I've moved the little screw a few times, but it only seems to adjust the idle WHEN IN GEAR. I've messed with the fuel/air before, too.. but I can't seem to make the neutral idle speed go down any. It is currently about 1700RPM. Same as in park.
I suppose this is probably normal, although.. I've been doing what I probably shouldn't; shifting into N when going down hills, closely behind semis, ect. I always heard this could damage an auto, but I've seen MPG improve from 33MPG average (summer), to 39.5 last 5 gallons (from empty to empty, 196 miles GPS, NEVER had it that high).
I have a dying starter, so I can't really EOC (engine-off coast).
Anyone know how to set it lower, like 1000-1100ish? Or is that even safe/possible?
I suppose this is probably normal, although.. I've been doing what I probably shouldn't; shifting into N when going down hills, closely behind semis, ect. I always heard this could damage an auto, but I've seen MPG improve from 33MPG average (summer), to 39.5 last 5 gallons (from empty to empty, 196 miles GPS, NEVER had it that high).
I have a dying starter, so I can't really EOC (engine-off coast).
Anyone know how to set it lower, like 1000-1100ish? Or is that even safe/possible?