So I have about 40% of the emergency brake that I should. One wheel mostly locks up and the other doesn't do a thing. I hate relying on my auto transmission for my parking brake, so it's time to tighten up the cable. I've tried on several occasions to do this to no avail until I realized today that the cable was just spinning on me when tightening the adjusting nut.

It would seem that the previous owner has rounded the edges of this little gold-coloured box circled in red, which prevents making actual adjustments to the cable. I've tried wedging things in there to keep it from turning, but it doesn't work. Any ideas on what I could do so the cable can be tightened properly? Maybe I could clamp it down with something?

It would seem that the previous owner has rounded the edges of this little gold-coloured box circled in red, which prevents making actual adjustments to the cable. I've tried wedging things in there to keep it from turning, but it doesn't work. Any ideas on what I could do so the cable can be tightened properly? Maybe I could clamp it down with something?