I just put a water pump on my 89 Festiva. As soon as I tried to start it I knew I had screwed up the timing. I took it back apart and checked for timing marks on the crankshaft. I read where there is a white one and a yellow one. Well......I can't tell the difference. Is it the circles around little holes? I thought there would be an arrow. There is an arrow on the block but not on the crank shaft. I believe you are supposed to line the yellow one up with the stub on the timing belt cover for an 89. I think I got the camshaft marking figured out but if someone could fill me in on the details or direct me to an older post I would appreciate it. This is my second Festiva but my first time for changing a water pump. Could someone tell me which timing mark to use on an 89 and which one is which like with the shaft key at the top the marks are off center so looking at it like that which one is which? Thanks for any help.

Here's what I'm working on. I need to repaint it. I did it back when it was too cold and the clear looked like alligator skin so I wet sanded it and haven't got to sand it with a DA and repaint.

Here's what I'm working on. I need to repaint it. I did it back when it was too cold and the clear looked like alligator skin so I wet sanded it and haven't got to sand it with a DA and repaint.