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brake issue on DD need help asap

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  • brake issue on DD need help asap

    Hey guy I got into my car this AM an headed to work as usuall for a Monday when I noticed that my car felt alittle funny driving it. When I got to the first red light which is on a hill I let go of the brake an didn't roll back hmm as I proceded I noticed my car was very laggy like the ebrake was ripped up but it wasn't and the it started to pull to one side really hard so I went straight back up my street to my drive way the whole time I smelled brakes an then rubber parked my car an my passenger sider caliper an rotor were smokin I threw water on it an the water boiled off my rim...

    So after readin this long story what did I break the rotor is fine the brakes aren't chewed up did I seize a caliper??

    fully custom 88 festy (project doomsday) Febuary in 2012 calander
    Blockspire: ken block replica aspire
    AdvancedDynamix: "If you put the same kind of effort into your engine that you put into the rest of the car, well... it'll be epic". thanks man!/profile.p...00000110128487

  • #2
    I bet its the rubber line to the caliper.
    If its old it can collapse in side letting fluid down to the caliber but won't let it back off.


    • #3
      ^ this or the piston has started to sieze in the caliper, not allowing the piston to retract the .050-.080" in needs to in order to release.
      Trees aren't kind to me...

      currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
      94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


      • #4
        Really a little rubber hose can do all that

        fully custom 88 festy (project doomsday) Febuary in 2012 calander
        Blockspire: ken block replica aspire
        AdvancedDynamix: "If you put the same kind of effort into your engine that you put into the rest of the car, well... it'll be epic". thanks man!/profile.p...00000110128487


        • #5
          Well I put a clamp pliers on it an with some pressure it went back in so what's the verdict

          fully custom 88 festy (project doomsday) Febuary in 2012 calander
          Blockspire: ken block replica aspire
          AdvancedDynamix: "If you put the same kind of effort into your engine that you put into the rest of the car, well... it'll be epic". thanks man



          • #6
            New calipers are ~$40 from mcparts. Peace of mind on a DD, just check in the boots to be sure the pins are well lubed up from the rebuilder.
            Blue '93 GL Auto: White 13" 5 Point Wheels, Full LED Conversion, and an 8" Sub


            • #7
              same logic, one end of the hose is out already and hoses are also cheap, both have been hot, replace both!!
              Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


              • #8
                My caliper hose plugged up and it's connection to the steel brake line was fully rusted to the point where I ended up getting replacement steel lines from NAPA to go along with the new rubber hoses.


                • #9
                  It's likely dirt or rust preventing the pads from moving in and out. Check that first because it's cheap and easy to fix. Take a look at the pin the pads slide on. Clean off the pin with a bit of string, or small wire brush or strip of sandpaper or emery paper. You can clean the pin without removing it from the car. Then lubricate the pin. While you're at it clean the pin on the other side of the car as well. Hopefully that will fix your problem.
                  Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.

