Well my b6d has 250xxx on it and is getting worn out.
Compression numbers and 110 on all cylinders dry and 150 on all cylinders wet.
So looks like a rebuild is in order.
This is my dd only car i own and i put over a hundred miles on it each dayy for work.
So i have been putting off the rebuild
this coming week I have off work (boss taking a vacation )
So i want to do the rebuild .
I have the capri manual and my friend that's an ase mechanic
Has all the fancy tools.
My question what should i get as far as far as parts brands for this simple rebuild my plan was to get parts from rock auto all gaskets
rings,main and rod bearings .
Any brands i should stay away from.
Should i go top of the line (most expensive) ?
This will be my first rebuild .
Any help would be much appreciated
Compression numbers and 110 on all cylinders dry and 150 on all cylinders wet.
So looks like a rebuild is in order.
This is my dd only car i own and i put over a hundred miles on it each dayy for work.
So i have been putting off the rebuild
this coming week I have off work (boss taking a vacation )
So i want to do the rebuild .
I have the capri manual and my friend that's an ase mechanic
Has all the fancy tools.
My question what should i get as far as far as parts brands for this simple rebuild my plan was to get parts from rock auto all gaskets
rings,main and rod bearings .
Any brands i should stay away from.
Should i go top of the line (most expensive) ?
This will be my first rebuild .
Any help would be much appreciated