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God help me

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  • God help me

    Okay so most of you know about the problem with the car, but I don't know what it is yet.

    I haven't changed the sparkplugs back to the originals yet, will do that tomorrow, but basically the car seems to rev fine when the car is in nuetral, but when I start driving down the road the harder I push on the gas it seems to be miss firing or something. The car jerks horribley, the more gas I give it, almost as if its choking its self off. What I don't get is that it revs fine in neutral.

    Could it be the transmissions, even though the fluid is fine, it doesn't seem to have a problem shifting into any gear and rolls fine.


  • #2
    Bad wires, cracked dist. cap? Loose ground wire. check all electrical connections make sure they are tight.

    93 GL modyfied!!!


    • #3
      i agree with the above and sounded like my car until i changed the whole distributor cap. the old one had corrosion inside the coil tower that could not be seen until you took the wire off. i felt pretty dumb because my car sat for two weeks because of a simple fix.


      • #4
        stupid question , but what plugs did you put in?


        • #5
          cars running fine

          OKay so get this, I filled up the car when I got out of work this morning and put a bottle of stp fuel treatment in it, let it sit there idling for alittle bit, okay its fine, its fine its fine. Thats what I was thinking in my head, but it doesn't start having problems till I go, it was fine, I hammered the bitch hard, she drove fast. :-)

          I think it might have the same problem my uncles has, when it gets to a 1/4 tank of gas it starts chuggin like its running on fuems or something, I think its called vacumn lock?

          As long as I fill it every 230 miles it should be fine, but I wont know for sure until I get it down there again.


          • #6
            Mine did that when I 1st did the swap. When the tank was low it seemed low on power. Hasn't done it since and i often let the tank get low.

            BP Festiva - SOLD
            BPT Festiva - SOLD
            BPT GTX - SOLD
            New GTX - - SOLD


            • #7
              Partially blocked fuel strainer in tank or fuel filter?

              Have you tried taking the gas cap off and see if it will run better when its acting up and on the bottom 1/4 tank?

              '93 Blue 5spd 230K(down for clutch and overall maintanence)
              '93 White B6 swap thanks to Skeeters Keeper
              '92 Aqua parts Car
              '93 Turquoise 5spd 137K
              '90 White LX Thanks to FB71

              "Your God of repentance will not save you.
              Your holy ghost will not save you.
              Your God plutonium will not save you.
              In fact...
              ...You will not be saved!"

              Prince of Darkness -1987


              • #8
                its hard to do that, because I don't like the idea of trying to drive it with the fuel cap off ;-) I know it would probably be okay, but with my luck, who knows. Im going to my dads right now to seafoam it, that should at least help with my injectors, I know they are kind of clogged.



                • #9
                  seafoam won't do crap if you have too much fuel in the tank. The fuel dilutes it too much.

                  Black '89 Ford Festiva L with 4 Speed Manual Transmission


                  • #10
                    ^^ Thats why I say to add a can when the tank is low, I always add the can when I have about 2 gal left ,drive it for a day ,then top it off .
                    A little more concentrated that way
                    The Trigger - Midwest Festiva Inc., Illinois Chapter
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                    Diamond white Deville 27,000 mile cream puff
                    Z28 LS1 power 500 +
                    90 Festy L daily driver wants to be modded, OK
                    It is being modded , a little at a time

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